How to use the Analytics Overview page

The Analytics Reports will give you a view of all enrollments data across all accounts setup within your instance of Bridge. These reports will let you pull a comprehensive list of information and allow you to include deleted users!


  • The Journeys Analytics Reports are still in Beta and may change.
  • Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role. 
  • Managers' view will be identical to the admin's view, the only differences are the users and team group names that they can filter for. 
  • There is a one-hour cache for Analytics, this means if you have new data it could take up to an hour to populate.

To get to the new Analytics reports you will want to select Analytics in the global navigation and then select the Overview option.


Filters in the Analytics report

To access the Analytics report you will go to the Analytics [1] option in the navigation menu and select Overview [2]. Here you have several filter options [3] and the options to Search, Hide Filters, and Additional Options [4].


Filter options

There are several filters you can choose from to pull data on your account; Enrollment Date [1], Account Name [2], Group Name [3], Manager Group Name [4], Tag/Category Name [5], Learnable Type [6], Learnable Title [7], Required (Yes / No) [8], Custom Fields [9] and additional enrollments and learning item filter options [10].

The Account Name [2] will allow you to specify if you want to look for the root accounts information or any of the subaccounts information specifically.

The Required (Yes / No) [8] filter option will allow you to select if you want to look specifically for required or optional enrollments; leaving this filter as-is will search for both enrollment types.

Enrollment Date

The Enrollment Date filter can be set to various options, as seen in the screenshots above. You can choose from multiple options for this filter, such as 'is in the last' 'x' (this variable is one you manually type in) 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', etc.

Tag/Category Name and Learnable Titles Filter Options

Tag/Category Name and Learnable titles all have the same options that allow you to specify if you want to look for a specific item.

  • is - This will only pull data for the exact item(s) that you selected.
  • contains - This will pull data if the enrollment contains any of the item(s) selected.
  • starts with - This will pull data if the enrollment starts with the item(s) selected.
  • ends with - This will pull data if the enrollments end with the item(s) selected.
  • is blank - This will pull data if there is a group, tag/category, or learnable item(s) with no name (aka blank name or title).
  • is null - This will pull data if there is any item(s) with no name
  • is not - This will pull data for any item that is not which item(s) you've selected.
  • doesn't contain - This will pull data for any item that doesn't contain the item(s) you've selected.
  • doesn't start with - This will pull data for any item that doesn't start with the item(s) you've selected.
  • doesn't end with - This will pull data for any item that doesn't end with the item(s) you've selected.
  • is not blank - This will pull data for any item(s) that is not blank.
  • is not null - This will pull data for any item(s) that is not null.
  • matches a user attribute - This will pull data for any item(s) that matches the user attribute(s) you've selected.
  • matches (advanced) - This requires that you type the name exactly and will search as an 'is' statement.

Remaining options

In the top right corner of the Analytics are you will have the option to Update [1], Hide/Show Filters [2], and Dashboard Actions[3]

Once you've set up some filters for the search parameters the Search arrow will show up as blue, this indicates there are new options selected that need to be searched for. If you've already hit the search button it will show in grey.

In the more options menu you will see the options to Download [1], Schedule Delivery [2], Reset Filters [3], and the Viewer time zone [4].

Download - This allows you to download the information that appears for your search. This will show the widgets and information within the page as it shows on the webpage.

Schedule Delivery - This allows you to schedule a new report and see existing ones that you've created to be sent out.


Analytics Report Schedules

In analytics you can download data as seen or set up a scheduled delivery. There are two ways to create schedules. The first way is on the main dashboard page by clicking more options and selecting Schedule Delivery; it's important to note that if you create a schedule there it is limited to a max of 500 rows of data. The other way to schedule a report is to click on the tile actions (3 dots in the top right hand corner of any widget on the dashboard), select view look, and then use the gear icon and chose the schedule option.

For more information on scheduling reports you can review the guide on "Scheduling Analytics Reports".

Widget Filter Information

The widgets listed below are only affected by specific filters.

The Total Number of Learners widget will only be affected by the Account Name, Group Name, Manager Group Name, and Show Terminated Users filters.

The Group Sizes widget will only be affected by the Account Name, Group Name, and Show Deleted Users filters.

The Most Frequent Tags and Categories widget will only be affected by the Account Name and Tag/Category Name filters.

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