How do I download analytics data?

You can easily export data out of Bridge analytics. From the left menu, click the Analytics option. Then, click the Overview menu option.

NOTE: The menu on the left may look different depending on what is enabled in your account.

Open Analytics Menu

Open the widget menu

In the upper right hand corner of the widget, click the menu button [1] and select Download data [2].

The Download Menu

When downloading data from the various widgets within Analytics you can select the data Format [1] and several Advanced Data Options [2].

Data Format

The format options that we have available for users are txt (tab-separated values), Excel Spreadsheet (Excel 2007 or later), CSV, JSON, HTML, Markdown, and PNG (Image of Visualization). Once selecting the format you'd like to use you will want to go to the Advanced Data Options.

Advanced Data Options

Here you can select how you'd like the Results to be displayed within the export. There are two ways to show the results "With visualizations options applied" which means that any customizations done for this visualization will be reflected in the download. The includes options like re-labeling columns, hiding totals, or adding conditional formatting; or As displayed in the data table.

Data Values can also be set up as formatted or unformatted (no rounding, special characters, etc)

The last option is the Number of rows to include. If looking at a table that has more than 500 rows if you select Current Result Table then it will only export those rows that currently show. To include all data within a larger file you will want to select All Results; this will export all data for the selected analytics. You can also select a Custom format and chose how many rows of data you'd like to have included within the downloaded report.

If you would like to schedule a recurring report you can read more on how to do that in "Scheduling Analytics Reports".

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