Creating an Alert
Alerts can be set only on tiles with at least one numeric measure or table calculation in the tile’s visualization. The visualization type and the fields present in the dashboard tile visualization determine whether you can set an alert condition that is based on a single field or table calculation value or on “any” field or table calculation value.
Depending on the dashboard tile’s visualization type and the kinds of fields present in the visualization, Bridge Analytics checks your data in different ways. When you create an alert, it will be one of these types:
- Single value alerts (used only with single value visualizations) — Bridge Analytics checks the data based on the value that is used in the visualization, which is the first row of the results table
- Time series alerts (used when there is a date or time dimension in the query results) — Bridge Analytics checks all new rows that have not been seen before (based on the date or time dimension in the query)
- Categorical alerts (neither single value nor time series) — Bridge Analytics checks all rows and pivot values unless a specific row or pivot value was selected when the alert was created.
Alerts that are based on a table calculation that includes a row total are not supported.
Your dashboard must be out of edit mode to create alerts, and you must be out of Development Mode.
To create an alert on a dashboard tile, click the tile’s bell icon, then click the New button at the bottom of the list of the existing alerts that you are permitted to see (you may need to scroll to see the entire list). If no alerts are currently configured for that tile, or if you do not have permission to see any existing alerts on that tile, hover over the dashboard tile to reveal the bell icon. Click the bell icon to open the alert creation window:
In the alert creation window, you can specify several components of your alert:
- Custom title
- Alert conditions
- Recipients
- Frequency
- Permissions (this depends on whether the alert would be followable)
Each alert query captures the dashboard and tile settings at the time the alert was created. An alert query will not pick up any changes made to the dashboard or tile after the alert is created, including changes to dashboard filters or the appearance of your dashboard tile’s visualization (such as changes to the visualization type). You would need to create a new alert after any changes are implemented for them to apply to your alert and notifications.
Naming an Alert
The default alert title indicates which conditions need to be true for the alert to be triggered. If you want to rename your alert:
- Click the three-dot menu, and then click Edit Alert.
- Click once on the alert title.
- Enter a custom title, and then click away from the field or hit the Enter key to see your update.
- Click Save Alert to save your new title.
Your custom alert title will appear in any publicly visible alerts that are listed in the alert view window on that tile. The custom title will also appear in the alert notifications.
Hover over the custom title of any alert in the alert view window to see the conditions that trigger that alert.
Setting Alert Conditions
In the Condition drop-downs in the alert creation window, you can set the components that tell Bridge Analytics how to check the tile data for changes and the kinds of changes that trigger an alert notification.
These components represent the alert condition:
- The list of fields or table calculations that appear in the dashboard tile’s visualization
- The change that the selected field, fields, table calculation, or table calculations must undergo to trigger the alert notification
- The magnitude of the change that would trigger the alert notification
These conditions include:
- Is greater than
- Is less than
- Is equal to
- Is greater than or equal to
- Is less than or equal to
If the query contains a date or time field, additional conditions are available:
- Increases by
- Decreases by
- Changes by (a combination of Increases by and Decreases by)
Using these comparison conditions with time-series data has some additional considerations. For more information, see this Help Center article on Setting alerts based on time series data.
Bridge Analytics only creates alerts that are based on comparisons of whole numbers and decimal data values. However, with a simple workaround, you can set alerts based on percentage changes of data values.
Setting Alert Notifications
Under the "Where to send it" section of the alert creation window, you can specify the destination of the alert notification.
Sending Alerts to Email
To send your alert notifications to email, select Email from the Where to send it drop-down. You can designate the recipients of the alert email notification. Your email will be listed by default, and you can modify the list of recipients as necessary. Your permissions determine which email domains you’re able to send alert notifications to.
Each recipient will receive an email with information about the alert and an option to unfollow the alert. If they choose to unfollow the alert, their email address will be removed from the recipient list.
Setting Alert Frequency
You can set the frequency at which Bridge Analytics will check your data for changes (and to send an alert notification if the alert conditions are met) under the Frequency section of the alert creation window. The default frequency is Daily at 05:00. These are the available frequency options:
- Monthly on a specified Day of the month (the default is the 1st of the month) at a specified Time (the default is 05:00)
- Weekly on a specified Day of the week (the default is Sun for Sunday) at a specified Time (the default is 05:00)
- Daily at a specified Time (the default is 05:00)
- Hourly at a specified interval (the default is to check the data every hour) with specified Start and End times (the default is 05:00 and 17:00). With hourly intervals you can have Bridge Analytics check the data at these intervals:
- Hour
- 2 hours
- 3 hours
- 4 hours
- 6 hours
- 8 hours
- 12 hours
- Minutes at a specified interval (the default is to check the data every 15 minutes) with specified Start and End times (the default is 05:00 and 17:00). With minute-based intervals, you can have Bridge Analytics check the data at these intervals:
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
Start and End times are inclusive. For example, if you set Check every to 12 hours with a Start time of 05:00 and an End time of 17:00, Bridge Analytics will check the data at 05:00 and 17:00.
Bridge Analytics sends alerts according to the time zone indicated in the Application Time Zone setting on the Admin Settings page or, if enabled, the alert creator’s User Specific Time Zone.
Alerting with Dashboard Filters
Alerts on tiles from dashboards that use the new dashboard experience do not take into account cross-filters.
Alerts will take into account the filters that exist when the alert is created. If any dashboard filters are added or modified, the existing alerts will not incorporate those additions or changes, and you must create a new alert to capture those filter updates.
You can see which dashboard filters apply to the alert in these locations:
- In the list of alerts in the alert view window
- In the alert creation window
In the alert view window, click the filter link under the alert:
This opens a window with additional details about the dashboard filters that are applied to that alert:
Click Done to close the filter detail window.
You can also see which dashboard filters would apply to an alert as you create it. In the alert creation window, click the filters icon in the upper right corner:
This opens a window with additional details about the dashboard filters that would be applied to your alert once you create it:
Click Done to close the filter detail window.