Self Registration Page

Solution Summary

The self-registration portal is an application with two parts, an administrative interface and a registration form. The administrative interface allows admins to set up the registration form, and the registration form collects information from registrants that is used to create a user account for them in Bridge.

Administrative Interface

The administrative interface is accessed through the Admin Application Switcher. Once installed the self registration portal will add a new link, named Self Registration, under the Tools section of the Global Navigation bar. Users with LTI Launches and LTI Content permissions can access the administrative interface.


The first tab shown when launching the administrative interface is the Branding tab. Here administrators can add a logo, a background image, and can set the colors to be used as a background (if no image is uploaded), as well as the colors to be used for the buttons and the text that appears on the form.

This allows administrators to control the general look and feel of the registration form.

Images must be either a .jpg or .png file and must be smaller than 700k in size. Color options must be entered as hex values and will show a preview of the color in a small circle to the right in the configuration area.


The preview tab allows administrators to quickly preview the self registration form without leaving the application. 


The fields tab allows administrators to control what fields are on the registration form and how registrants will enter their information. The fields tab should automatically show an entry for each custom user data field that has been created in Bridge. Values entered by registrants on the registration form will be assigned as values for the associated custom user data field in Bridge. For example, if there were a Location field on the registration form, and I selected London, London would be set as my value for the custom user data field in Bridge called Location. This allows clients to leverage Smart Groups based off of the values selected when a user initially registers with Bridge.

By selecting the “Add Field” button at the bottom of the page, administrators can create a new field both in the self registration application, and a corresponding custom user data field in Bridge.

Any field can be shown or hidden on the self registration form. Visibility on the form is controlled by the eye icon. Fields are shown on the self registration form in the order they appear in the portal, and can be moved by dragging and dropping them to the order desired. To drag and drop the administrator must click and drag on the dots to the left of the field name. The fields may be edited by clicking on the name of the field to be modified. 

The field name is at the top of the edit screen and will be the label shown on the self registration form for this field.

The field type can be set to one of three potential values: Text Entry, Dropdown, or Radio Button. This controls the input type registrants can use to set their custom user data values.

  • Text Entry allows registrants to manually enter a value. These values are not validated for spelling or capitalization. Also, note that Bridge sees “London” and “london” as two different values.
  • Dropdown allows administrators to add options to a list which will be presented as a dropdown on the registration form. Users will be able to select the value that most closely matches them in the registration form, and that value will be carried over to Bridge.
  • Radio Button also allows administrators to add options to a list but this list will be presented with a single-select radio button, allowing users to make their choice via radio button instead of a dropdown.

Administrators can also add a tooltip which is displayed just below the field entry area on the registration form. This allows administrators to explain what is being asked by the field if the label is not descriptive enough.

The visibility can also be controlled by a toggle in the upper right area.

Each field is stand-alone and selecting one value on the form can not control which values appear in subsequent fields.

Email Domain Whitelisting

Email domain whitelisting allows administrators to control which user registrations will automatically be created in the self registration application, and which user registrations will be put in a pending status for review.

Domain whitelisting was added to the application to ensure competitors who may find the publicly-facing URL for the registration page won’t be able to gain access to a client’s Bridge environment and access proprietary information that may be housed in Bridge courses. 

Domain whitelisting can be enabled or disabled on the Email Domain Whitelisting tab, by enabling or disabling the checkbox “Whitelist Email Address Domains?”

Domains can be added in the text box to be included in the list of whitelisted domains, and admins can see a list of currently whitelisted domains below the text box. Administrators can remove a domain from the list by clicking the “X” next to the domain they wish to remove.

Administrators will also see a table containing pending registrations. The table will list all of the potential registrants whose email domain didn’t match one that was whitelisted when the registration form was submitted. The table will also contain all of the selected values entered by the registrant on the form, so the admin can decide if the user account should be created or if it should be denied.

Administrators can select one or more potential registrations and can click “Approve Selected” to approve all of the selected registrants, or can click “Deny Selected” to reject the registration of all selected registrants. There is also an “Approve All” and “Deny All” option.

Registration Form

The registration form will be hosted on a public facing URL. Any user who has the URL can fill out the registration form. Users whose email address is whitelisted will automatically have a user account created in the associated Bridge environment. All fields that are specified as visible in the Administrative Interface must be filled out before a user can submit the registration form. This includes the First Name, Last Name, and Email default fields which are used to create the Bridge user account.

Registrants can fill out the form as set up by the administrator. Submitting the form will send a call to the Bridge API to create the user with the values entered in the form. The user will receive an email from Bridge to finish provisioning their user account and setting their initial password.

If a potential registrant’s email address is not whitelisted, they will see a screen saying their registration is pending and they will receive an email (the welcome email from Bridge), when their registration has been processed. 

Important Notes

  • A self-registration portal can only be connected to a single Bridge account or sub-account. A single portal can not be used to create or direct users to various sub-accounts.
  • For users to receive their initial email from Bridge, to provision their account, and set their initial password, welcome notifications must be enabled on the account.
  • The self-registration portal assumes the account or sub-account uses native Bridge authentication, and the email address will be the user name.
  • There is not a way to see all users that come through the registration tool in terms of “denied” or “accepted”.
  • When user registration fails, there is no indicator to the user that the creation failed.

Troubleshooting Tips

Symptom Troubleshooting Steps

Users are not receiving their initial email from Bridge and are therefore unable to provision their account or set their initial password.

 Confirm welcome notifications are enabled on the account.

No email notification was received by the user.

When a user is denied registration, no email is sent.

User Registration Failed

UID values can only be applied once within the self-registration tool.  Confirm the user is entering a unique UID value not already in use.

The required field and Actions columns are greyed out and cannot be modified.

This is per design on the default fields.  Required field and Actions can only be set on the fields added by the customer.

The customer is requesting features which are not obviously available in the tool, like 

  • Including a “Help” email or contact on the front of the registration page or 
  • A notification being sent to the administrator when new requests are pending or 
  • The location of the “Already have an account?” link on the Self-Registration page itself.
This tool is in maintenance mode, and no other feature options will be provided until Bridge Product adds new items to the roadmap. Please provide product feedback per the standard Bridge customer feedback form.

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