[Webinar] How should I organize content for learners?

In this webinar, held June 2024, Stephanie covers Training Delivery best practices and strategies for success. 


There are a variety of ways to expose a collection of content for your learners in Bridge. What is most important to consider when organizing the content in these ways is visibility and enrollment status.

This chart gives a high-level overview of each feature.

  Learner Visibility Learner Relevance Enrollment Capabilities
CATEGORY Learning Page & Learning Library Groups None
PROGRAM Learning Library Individuals & Groups Required or Recommended
JOURNEY Shareable Link Individuals & Groups Active

Below, we’ll highlight some of the functionalities of each feature that would influence your investment in them.


A category is a specific “tag” that is attached to courses, and those groups of courses can be exposed to a group or multiple groups of learners in their Learning Libraries. 

There are no enrollment capabilities.

The learner will see categories at the bottom of their Learning page:

Clicking into any one of these categories will open a dedicated landing page to all of the courses that belong to that category:

The learner will also see the Categories as headers in their Learning Library with the number of available courses in that category in parentheses:

The learner will have the ability to self-enroll in this content, which means that the manager and admin can pull reports on these enrollments by filtering for “N” under “Required” in Analytics > Transcript. A non-required course will not show up on the manager summary notification email that highlights overdue learners and the appropriate course titles.


A program is a package of learnables (i.e. courses, live trainings, and checkpoints) that can be taken in order or in any order as required or recommended. A required program, like a required course, can exist with or without a due date.

The learner will receive this notification if it is a required Program:

Programs can also be made available in the Learning Library for self-enrollment.

Anything where a learner self-enrolls will migrate into their “Added by You” section on their Learning page.


A Journey is a pathway of content that is assigned to a group or groups of learners; these can be both linear or non-linear as well as have a final endpoint or be fluid; this feature also allows for versioning, and the admin’s visibility to see that versioning aligns with a learner’s enrollment history.

A learner can find Journeys in this separate navigation:

Journeys that are set as non-linear will have a bundle of email notifications that are sent to that learner in one single email, alerting them of their multiple enrollments.

A user who is enrolled in a linear Journey will receive a welcome notification:

Enrollment into a non-linear Journey will send a bundled notification for the individual enrollments into every single learning item that is part of that Journey. It will say: "Here is what's been going on in your account."

At this time, Journeys are active enrollments for learners where learners or groups are assigned in the UI. The shareable link can be used for “optional” enrollments.

This URL can be deep-linked into a company intranet page or an email broadcast to promote the Journey. Since Journeys cannot currently be found in the Learning Library for optional enrollments, this is the best way to expose learners to Journeys that exist without adding the All Learners group in the backend.

Clicking on that link will send the learner into their Bridge instance, and they will be met with this page, which will prompt them to register:

Upon clicking “Register,” the learner will be exposed to the Journey timeline:

This Journey was set up with a two day cushion for the “New Hire” smart group enrollment so as not to overwhelm new hires with coursework on their first couple days. These rules will persist even if a learner opts for a self-enrollment through the shareable link.

Learn more about Journeys best practices.

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