[Webinar] Best Practices for Bridge Journeys

In this webinar, recorded September 2024, Stephanie discusses the Journeys feature in Bridge as well as best practices and strategies for success.

This resource covers:

  • Programs vs Journeys
  • Enrollment options
  • Compliance training as part of a Journey
  • Testing into or out of a sequence of content
  • Equivalencies
  • Professional development programming




Journeys now show up in My Learning?

Journey items will show on the My Learning with a flag to indicate the item as part of a Journey, but for the time being, Journeys as a whole are still living on the separate Journeys tab.

Can you use SCORM quiz content in this scenario of passing a pretest?

Yes. Set up the SCORM course as the first step in the Journey with the setting for “Complete the first step or the rest of the Journey."

What happens to steps for learners who are already enrolled when a step is removed?

When making edits to a Journey’s steps, you will have options to how the users are impacted by the changes. You can make updates only visible to new learners and leave past version the same for any learners currently enrolled. You can publish to new and in progress learners so anyone who has not completed the Journey will receive the updated version. Or push to everyone included completed learners.

When a learner is enrolled in a Journey are they automatically enrolled in each step of the journey or are they enrolled when they unlock each step based on the conditions you set in the journey?

This will depend on whether you are using a linear or non-linear journey. A linear Journey’s steps will release upon completion of the prior step. This means that future Journey assignments will not appear as enrollments on the learners’ transcripts or in reporting UNTIL they get to those steps.

A non-linear journey will make all steps available at once with the exception of utilizing Advanced Scheduling.

Is it possible for learners to be enrolled in everything at once, not just as they finish the step before?

Yes! Use a non-linear Journey with no advanced scheduling


Can we add surveys to journeys?

Bridge surveys are not an item that can be included in Journeys (or Programs). If you leverage external survey tools, there are options for including these in your course content and including that course as a step in the Journey. With this method any survey results would live outside of Bridge.


What is the difference between a Program and a Journey?

Both package other learning items and automate enrollments. Journeys have scheduling options that Programs do not have. With Journeys you can package programs and Journeys in the learning path alongside the other learning items (courses, live training, checkpoints). Perform items can be included in Journeys as well where Programs do not support Perform steps. At current, Programs do have some settings that Journeys do not yet have available such as certificates, expiration & due dates, and re-enroll. Headers are also a option in Programs that are not available in Journeys.


Can you edit a journey from linear to non-linear once the journey has been created?

A linear journey can be made into a non-linear journey, but not vice versa. 

If the courses have already been completed previously. Do I need to reenroll them in the course then create the journey?

It depends. If you would like them to re-engage in the content as part of the learning Journey, and/or you would like to track a separate completion for their participation in the course as part of the Journey, then yes you would want to re-enroll them. Otherwise, if you are happy for their completion to stand, it will be reflected in Journey.


If a learner is in a program and then the program is added to a Journey, will they have to complete that program and then would the learner be sent to finish the other parts of the journey? 

It depends on whether or not you want to remove the learner from the Program. If you enroll the learner in the Journey that also has the Program but do not un-enroll the learner from the Program, they will have two enrollment sources. If the Program comes later in the Journey (and the Journey is linear), it won’t matter that the content has not been exposed in the Journey yet.

If the learner IS removed from the Program, then they will get to the Program within the Journey when designated (i.e. right away if non-linear and when unlocked if linear). If part of the Program was completed in the Program itself from the previous enrollment, those completions will remain intact and the learner will pick up where they left off in the Program.


I noticed that when using analytics I'm not able to see custom groups in the Journeys page. Is there a way to see ALL groups when looking at data on the Journey analytics page?

The groups filter in Journeys analytics will only display selections for groups that have Journeys enrollments.

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