The default for Custom Branding > Edit Branding > Course Content is to maintain root account branding.

With this toggled on, the default for content created in the root account (when you have active sub-accounts) is also to maintain root account branding. This is part of the course settings.

When on, the root logo persists and appears on both the cover slide of the course and the course’s certificates.
A certificate must be enabled as it is not default.

In this example, we shared the “History of Britney Spears” course from the Sleigh root account to a sub-account named “Hello.” When “maintain root account branding” was toggled on, the “History of Britney Spears” course certificate is branded with Sleigh.

When toggled off, the “History of Britney Spears” course certificate is branded as the sub-account logo, Hello.

This logo will modify in real-time based on the root account toggle. Since the course was created in the root, a sub-account admin does not have the ability to modify this setting.
Click here to learn more about affiliating content from the root to sub-accounts.