What are the Bridge Community Guidelines?

We want the Bridge Community to be a place to help users find answers, share ideas and network or collaborate with other like-minded people. We want you to enjoy your experience as an active member and participate often. However, as a member, we ask that you respect the community code.


The Community Code

Be cool.

Its OK to be critical and express frustration from time-to-time, but rudeness is not acceptable. Always treat others with respect. Behind every comment is a living, breathing human being, and we are all in this together. Personal attacks or criticisms of another's abilities or motives will not be tolerated.

Be accurate.

You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. Feel free to express your opinions, but if you express an opinion, identify it as such. If you make an assertion, be prepared to back it up with sources.

Be you.

You are encouraged to build your profile and presence, and in that spirit, we ask that you include your first  and last name in your display name. And, you are discouraged from cloning yourself: always log in with the same account to prevent creating duplicate accounts.

Pitch ideas, not products.

Hey, we know there are a lot of amazing ed-tech tools out there. If you want to share ways these have been helpful in teaching, please do. But if you're a third party vendor or partner, this is not the place to generate sales leads.

Stay on target.

This community is your place to discuss and network with all things Bridge. If you want to sell a couch or find someone with whom to take long walks on the beach, there are other sites for those things.

We trust you'll abide by these guidelines (because you're awesome). If you stray, Instructure reserves the right to take appropriate action if these guidelines are not followed.

If you believe you have seen something that is against these guidelines or otherwise not appropriate please report this to support@bridgeapp.com

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