How do I format a CSV file to upload in Bridge?

Several features in Bridge support CSV files to manage user enrollments.

Account Users

When uploading a CSV file for an entire account, admins can create as many columns for users as should be included for account information. Column headings do not have to be included directly in the CSV file.

Data can be uploaded as a CSV file when uploading users to an account (admins), uploading users to a course (authors), and uploading users to a group or learning content item (managers).

Default column options in Bridge include:

  • Full Name (First Last)
  • Full Name (Last, First)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Hire Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
  • Job Title

One CSV column is required as the unique identifier, which defines all account information per Bridge learner. Please verify the information before importing. If assigning managers, you must include an additional column for the manager's unique identifier.

If specific fields in your CSV file do not use any of the default Bridge heading options, you can create your own custom fields for those columns. Any custom fields you create will always be included in your account as CSV file import options.


  • To add or edit user roles using a CSV upload, the CSV file column header and Bridge custom field label must both be named Roles. In the CSV Roles column, the cells that contain a user's roles must be formatted with pipe symbols between multiple roles. For example, if a user is an account admin, an IT admin, and an author, the cell must be formatted as: "Account Admin|IT Admin|Author."
  • All dates must include a day, month, and year. Bridge will interpret dates in the United States formatting, in which the month appears before the day (e.g., 12/31/2018, not 31/12/2018). You can also include an optional time of day in date fields (e.g., 12/31/2018 12:00).
  • Role names must be capitalized to import correctly into Bridge. 

Historical Course Completion Data

Historical course completion data can be uploaded to courses using a CSV file. This feature allows users to efficiently migrate user scores from previous non-Bridge courses into Bridge so all user data is in one place.

The process for uploading a CSV containing data for multiple courses differs from the process of doing so for a single course.

Single-Course CSV Format

View Example CSV File

To successfully upload historical enrollments with a CSV file, the CSV file must contain the following columns:

  • User Login ID: User Login IDs must match the Bridge user's current user ID. This is the user's unique identifier, which defines all account information per Bridge user.
  • Number of attempts: Attempts must be whole numbers input as numerals (e.g., 13, not 13.5 or thirteen).
  • Completion date: All dates must include a day, month, and year. Bridge will interpret dates in United States formatting, in which the month appears before the day (e.g., 12/31/2017, not 31/12/2017). You can also include an optional time of day in date fields (e.g., 12/31/2017 12:00).
  • Due date: This field has the same formatting requirements as completion dates.
  • Expiration date: This field has the same formatting requirements as completion dates.
  • Score: Scores must be whole numbers between 0 and 100 input as numerals (e.g., 75, not 75.3 or seventy-five).
  • Inactive: If the user has completed the course previously and you want to document all past enrollments, you can add them all and set them as inactive. To mark things as inactive, you will want to set the value as T or True.


  • The Completion Date column is optional and only needs to be included if you want to import completion data for the course.
  • Ensure that you only add users that you would like to include in the course. Users added to Bridge incorrectly with historical course data cannot be removed using the Learners tab and can only be removed by a Bridge representative.

Multiple-Course CSV Format

To upload historical enrollments in multiple courses, you must add a Course ID column to the CSV file [1]. Course IDs must be whole numbers input as numerals (e.g. 13, not 13.5 or thirteen).  You can find the Course ID in the URL of your course details page [2].

Assign Course IDs

Assign Course IDs

When uploading historical enrollments for multiples courses, you will need to assign a Course ID when uploading the CSV to Bridge.

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