Adding/Removing Users
Auto CSV Documentation
Bridge features many easy, robust ways to get user data into your Bridge instance. One way that moves u...
How do I use an automatic CSV import for users in an account?
Automatic CSV will automate user management between any HRIS, CRM, or User Management system and Bridge ...
How do I format a CSV file to upload in Bridge?
Several features in Bridge support CSV files to manage user enrollments. Account Users ...
How do I Create Users with SAML SSO?
Bridge allows users to be generated through a SAML assertion (must be enabled by Bridge IC, CSM, or Sup...
How do I export users from the Courses page?
You can export user and course data via CSV file.Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissi...
How do I bulk cleanup users in the account?
Whether you are provisioning users via an automated feed from your HRIS or other source of truth or manu...
How do I add an individual user to an account?
You can quickly add a user to your account by entering a username or email address.If you want to add mo...
How do I remove an individual user from an account?
If necessary, you can remove users from the account. You can still view all deleted users and their enro...
How do I use the Users page as a manager?
The Users page shows all users in your account and you can filter by role to view only users with a spec...
How do I use the Users page as an admin?
The Users page shows all users in your account and you can filter by role to view only users with a spec...
How do I use the Users page as an author?
The Users page shows all users in your account and you can filter by role to view only users with a spec...
How do I remove users from an account with a CSV file?
You can use a CSV file to remove multiple users from your account, course, program, group, or live train...
How do I add or update users to an account with a CSV file?
You can use a CSV file to add or update users to your account and assign managers. When you add new user...
How do I manage users in an account?
As an account admin or admin, you can manage all users in your account. You can edit user information an...
How do I export users from the Live Trainings page?
You can export user and live training data via CSV file.Note: Some features may be restricted based on p...
How do I find a group to add to a course?
If groups have been created in your account, you can add groups to your course.Any groups added to your ...
How do I find a user to add to a group?
When you create a group, you need to find users to add to the group. In groups, users can be added manua...
How do I find a group to add to a program?
Once groups are created on the Groups page, you can find groups to add to your program.Any groups added ...
How do I view details about a user in an account?
You can view information about a user on the User Details page.Note: Some features may be restricted bas...
User Provisioning Best Practices
There are two primary ways to provision users into Bridge: Manual AutoCSV We do have open APIs for us...