[Webinar] Best Practices for Training Delivery

In this webinar, recorded June 2024, Stephanie discusses all things enrollments!


This session covers

  • Content Visibility Settings
  • Efficient Management of Required Content
  • Common Pitfalls and Best Practices for Managing Enrollments
  • Expiration and Re-enrollment Settings





Will changing the due date via CSV (or removing the group) push a notification email that they've been enrolled again?

No. If you modify the due date via CSV, the enrollment does not change, so the learner will not get a notification. Removing enrollments does not send notifications.

They'd get another enrollment email if you un-enroll and re-enroll them though, right?

Correct. If you un-enroll the learner by removing the group or deleting the individual learner in the interface for the course, the enrollment goes away. Adding the learner back will trigger a new enrollment, and at that point, yes, the learner will get a notification.

If an optional enrollment is changed to required to be removed, would the user get a notification?

No, they will not get a notification because Bridge will recognize there is an existing enrollment. Notifications will not be sent for enrollment updates, only enrollment creations.


Is there an easier way to enroll someone that changed from one group to another one? For example, we have our employees by groups so we can identify who works in which department, but sometimes I need to change an employee to another group and enroll them to another Program or course. But I have to remove them first from one course and then add them to another group. It's this the only way?

If you are using Smart Groups, when the user moves from one group to the other, they would be automatically enrolled in the content assigned to the new group and unenrolled in content assigned to their prior group. See more on Smart Group Enrollment behaviors here.

When we make updates to a course and we publish the changes, is it accurate to say that it will look like people who have already completed the course (prior to the updates) never completed it, right?

Completed learners will remain completed unless you choose the setting to re-enroll completed learners (usually because the changes are significant enough to warrant retaking the content). Read more about selecting course change notifications.


What happens if there are no due dates set for the courses themselves, but the Journey has a due date?

Journey steps can have due dates. Journeys in their entirety do not have due dates. 

The due dates for Journeys will function the same as Programs. Journeys due dates will be applied if the user does not already have an existing enrollment in the learning item. If the learner is already enrolled in the item with a due date, the original will remain.

The due date for the individual Journey steps will not be displayed to the learner on the Journeys detail page. Learners will see the correct due date, including a due date that is set by a Journey.


What does expiring do exactly?

If ONLY expiration is selected for a piece of content, it doesn’t do anything to the enrollment. It also doesn’t have any impact on certificate visibility. Expiration is designed to be set up with the auto re-enrollment setting. The expiration tells the system when the enrollment should no longer be valid.


If the person never takes the course, then it will never re-enroll them?

Correct. This is because, at this time, the system can only re-enroll a completed enrollment.

What if I need to re-enroll learners after one year, how can I do that with a CSV considering that some people from last year won't need the course to be re-enrolled?

There isn't a way to re-enroll learners using a CSV. You would need to re-enroll the specific learners manually one at a time. A work around would be to have a duplicate course set up with auto re-enroll enabled and only enroll the people who need to take it each year into that version. Then you can leave the other course version for any enrollments that only need to complete the item once.

What is the purpose of having the  “x days” setting assigned a value?

The “x days” setting will re-enroll the learner the amount of days selected before their expiration date. This is to give them a window to complete the training before it expires. We recommend making the due date (i.e. “in 30 days”) the same as the “x days” because the due date will always trump the number of days provided to complete before expiration.

Bridge will take the Due Date over top of the “give x days before expiration?”

No, the “give x days” will still behave based on its own dates (i.e. if the expiration of the course is after one year and the learner has 30 days to complete it prior to expiration). When the re-enrollment is made, it will be assigned the due date based on the “due date” settings (i.e. if the due date is in 7 days, then the learner will get enrolled 30 days before expiration but will have only 7 days to complete the content).

How can you update certificates to checkpoints (i.e. if First Aid certificates needed to be added once a year once complete)?

There is now a re-enroll feature for checkpoints. You can set them up to re-enroll the learner each year. When the learner is re-enrolled, their evidence will be reset and require them to upload a new one.


If added via the Learning Library, then the enrollment will not show on the Analytics Transcript?

Correct, this is because an enrollment hasn't been created. The content has just been made available for the learner to enroll themselves. Once the learner signs up for the content, then the enrollment will appear in the Analytics Transcript.


Any news/rumors about Journeys being added to Learning Library? We use Bridge mainly for external customers so I would love to use it to build a curated list of courses that they can choose to take in a Learning Library.

Yes, we are hoping to get them in the library by the end of the year!

How soon until Programs are replaced by Journeys or is that no longer in the plan?

There is no plan at present to do away with Programs.

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