How do I use Feedback as an admin?

You can add standards, job titles, and skills by editing your account's Feedback Settings in Bridge Perform. Feedback helps managers and employees gather data around job performance by identifying training gaps and growth opportunities on an individual and team level.

Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin option, click the Performance option, and then select the Feedback Settings.

View Feedback Settings Page

The Feedback Settings page defaults to the General tab [1].

The General tab allows you to enable or disable the skill feedback scope, employee created feedback, self-feedback, and default feedback skills [2].

  • Skill feedback scope [3]: allow employees to be assessed on skills that are not assigned to their given job title
  • Employee created feedback requests [4]: allow employees to create and send feedback
  • Self-Assessments [5]: allow employees to perform a self-assessment
  • Default feedback skills [6]: allow employees to be provided with default feedback skills
  • Require anonymous feedback [7] : allow managers to chose if they want feedback for their learners assessment to be anonymous or not.
  • Feedback request expiration [8]: select how long feedback invitations will remain active. Click the expiration option drop-down menu and select between 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks [8].

View Job Titles Tab

The Job Titles tab displays the job titles and skills needed [1].

In the Search field [2], you can search for job titles.

In the Sort By menu [3], you can sort job titles alphabetically in ascending or descending order.

You can view the total number of employees with a specific job title [4].

To add a new job title, click the Add Job Title button [5].

To add a new job skill to a job title, click the New Job Skills button [6]. To remove a job skill from a job title, click the 'X' next to the skill to be removed.

Note: Job titles are automatically synced from active Bridge Learn users. Job titles can be added manually.

View Skills Tab

The Skills tab displays active skills in your account [1].

In the Search field [2], you can search for skills.

In the Filter by menu [3], you can filter skills by displaying all skills, only Bridge default skills, or only admin-added skills.

In the Sort by menu [4], you can sort skills alphabetically by skill name, number of applicable job titles, or number of descriptors.

To add a new skill, click the Add Skill button [5].

To view job titles and descriptors with certain skills, click a skill name [6].

Default skills display a Bridge badge next to their name [7].

To delete individual or multiple skills, click the checkbox next to the skill name [8] and click the Delete link [9].

View Job Titles

After opening the skill name, you can view job titles [1].

In the Search field [2], you can search for job titles.

In the Sort By menu [3], you can sort job titles alphabetically in ascending or descending order.

To add a new job title, click the Add Job Title button [4].

To delete a job title from a certain skill, click the Delete icon [5].

To return to the Skills page, click the Back link [6].

View Descriptors

After opening the skill name, you can view descriptors [1]. Descriptors can be positive or negative statements to describe the skill added to a job title in your organization.

View the descriptors added to the skill [2]. Descriptors can be positive or negative statements [3].

To delete a descriptor from a certain skill, click the Delete icon [4].

To add a new descriptor, click the Add Descriptors button [5].

To return to the Skills page, click the Back link [6].

View Standards Tab

The Standards tab displays standards that you have added to your account [1]. Job skill feedback may be compared against these industry standards to provide a clear measurement of an employee's mastery level.

To add a new standard, click the Add Standard button [2].

View Scale Tab

The Scale tab displays options to customize the Feedback scale [1]. You can select a color scheme [2], select a scale type [3], and edit the category labels [4].

Note: The customized changes apply to all future feedback.


Select Color Scheme

To change the feedback slider color scheme, click the Color menu arrow [1] and then select a color scheme [2]. The preview pane displays the color scheme selection [3].

Select Scale Type

To select a scale type, click the Slider or Likert radio button.

Edit Category Labels

To edit the category labels, click the Edit link [1].

In the Category Label fields, type custom category labels [2]. To add more category labels, click the Add Category link [3]. The preview pane displays the custom category labels [4].

Note: Language translation is not supported for custom category labels. To restore the default labels, click the Restore Default Categories link [5].

Publish Changes

To preview the customizations, click the Preview button [1].

To apply the customizations to future feedback, click the Publish Changes button [2].

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