How do I use an automatic CSV import for users in an account?

Automatic CSV will automate user management between any HRIS, CRM, or User Management system and Bridge by exporting employee data from that system to a secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) server. The SFTP server’s URL is validated by proper credentials supplied to Bridge. Once the file location has been validated, users can map the CSV data and set up a schedule to automatically sync user data between the system and Bridge.

•   Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
•   Automatic CSV must be enabled for the account. Please contact your Bridge Implementation Consultant or Bridge Support for help with setup. 

•   When Automatic CSV is enabled, users cannot be added to or removed from the account on the Users page. However, users can still be added via CSV to courses, programs, and groups.

To set up automatic CSV import for your account, you will need to contact your Bridge Implementation Consultant or Bridge Support. You will be required to provide:

•   A CSV file on your Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server
•   A username and password to validate the CSV file
•   A reoccurring weekly schedule for when you want Bridge to sync data. You can choose which day(s) of the week and a time and Bridge will sync at the specified time for each chosen day.

Note: Bridge only supports times on the hour (e.g. 4 AM or 11 PM).

Open Tools Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin menu option. Then, select Tools and lastly Auto CSV.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

View Last Sync

View Last Sync

On the Insights page, you can view the latest CSV sync information, including the date and time of when the last sync was completed [1].

If you need to manually sync your CSV file outside of the regular schedule, click the Sync Now button [2].

To map attribute fields in your CSV file, click the Map link [3].

Once syncing is complete, you can view the number of users added [4], users removed [5], and users modified [6].

If you receive an error during the syncing process, click the Get Help from Support link [7] to send a message to Bridge Support. Clicking the Get Help from Support link will automatically send an error log to the support team.

Note: Users deleted from the CSV file will be deleted from Bridge and be added to the terminated users list. To restore a deleted user using automatic CSV, the deleted user will need to be on the HRIS CSV file.

Change Sync Schedule

Change Sync Schedule

To change the sync schedule, select or deselect the appropriate checkboxes above the day(s) of the week [1] and enter a new time [2]. You can only schedule to sync the CSV on the hour. Changes to the sync schedule are saved automatically.

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