On the course details page, you can view and edit details for your course, including required score, default due date, and whether or not the course contains a certificate. You can also view details about your learners.
Note: Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
Open Author Menu
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Author icon. Then, click the Courses menu option.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
View and Edit Course Details
In the description field, enter a summary of the course. The description will help users understand what the course is about and what they can expect to learn.
View Course Details
On the course details page, you can view all details for your course.
Attempts Allotted [1]: The number of quiz attempts a user is allowed; default is n/a, with no limit on attempts.
Required Score [2]: The percentage score your users must achieve to pass the course; default is 80%. The score is based on quiz results, so if no quizzes are in the course, the user passes the course after they've advanced through all the course slides.
Due Within [3]: The number of days a user has to complete the course; default is 7 days. Actual due dates vary by user; the countdown begins from the day they are added to the course. If the Due Within field is set to 0, the course will not have a due date.
Certificate [4]: The status of a certificate for your course; default is No. If the certificate field is set to Yes, the course automatically distributes a certificate when a user completes the course. Users can view certificates as part of their completed courses.
Duration [5]: The estimated time of completion for your course. The time is calculated by taking the sum of all videos contained within the course, if any, and a predetermined word count calculation.
Open Book [6]: The status of the Open Book option for your course; the default is off. If the Open Book field is displayed, users can navigate forward and back through course content while answering a quiz question.
View Course Options
You can edit course content [1], preview the course [2], enable Bridge Retain [3], export a JSON file of the course [4]. If the Open Enrollment option has been enabled, you can send a registration link to users [5]. If users have been added to the course, you can send a message to all users [6].
You can duplicate the course [7], archive the course [8], and if you are the author, you can delete the course [9].
Edit Course Details
To edit the course details, click the More Settings link.
Edit Course Settings
To add a category, click the Find Category button and enter the category name [1].
To add a tag, click the New Tag button and enter the tag title [2].
To limit quiz attempts, click the Limit Attempts toggle button [3].
To edit the required score or duration, click the link for the field you want to change, then enter the new number.
To edit the due date, expiration (if expiration is enabled by a Bridge admin), certificate, continuing education credits, library, or open book options, click the corresponding toggle buttons.
To hide correct responses for quiz questions from users, disable the Show Correct Response option [4]. This option is enabled by default.
To allow users to manually self re-enroll into a course you can enable the Learner Re-Enroll option [5]. This option will allow users to re-enroll into courses as needed.
Note: In top-level account courses that are shared with subaccounts, you can choose to maintain the top-level account custom branding settings in the shared course by clicking the Maintain Branding When Shared to Subaccounts toggle.
View Summary
The course details page also lets you manage user details in your course. By default, the course details page shows the Summary tab.
The Summary tab shows an overall summary of your course, including the number of required users, the completion percentage for your users, and average user scores. To export a CSV file that contains detailed Course Progression statistics, click the Course Progression CSV icon.
Learn more about the course summary.
View Quiz Statistics
A Quiz Statistics section will be shown for courses that contain one or more quiz questions.
The Quiz Statistics sections show the percentages of how many attempts were needed for users to pass the course, how many users are currently required to retake the course, the average overall score of the course quizzes, and the average score of each individual question. If you have limited the number of quiz attempts for a user, Quiz Statistics will also show the users who have 0 attempts left.
To export a CSV file that contains detailed quiz statistics, click the Quiz Report CSV icon.
View Users
The Learners tab shows all users enrolled in your course.
Along with each user's name [1], the page displays the completion date [2], the user's score (if applicable) [3], expiration date (if applicable) [4], due date [5], enrollment status [6], and progress [7].
To edit the due date or expiration date, click the date field and select the Pick a Date or No Due Date option [8].
Note: Admins can view course progress at any time.
Sort Users
By default, users are sorted by due date. However, you can click any column header to sort your users by name, completed date, score, expiration date, due date, enrollment, or progress. An arrow next to the header will show your selected sorting column. You can sort in ascending or descending order.
Manage Users
To view details about a user, click the name of the user [1].
To find a new user to add to the course, click the Add Learner button [2].
Users can be removed as long as the user has not completed the course. To remove a user, locate the user and click the Remove icon [3].
Note: If a user has not finished the course but cannot be removed, the user was added to the course through a group. The only way to remove the user is to have a manager or admin role remove the user from the group, or remove the entire group from the course.
Change Due Date
To change the due date for an individual user, click the due date and click the Pick a date option, then select a new date from the calendar.
View Groups
The Groups tab shows any groups enrolled in your course, including the group name [1], relevance [2], average score [3], and number of users completed [4]. Any groups added to your course automatically display all the group users in the Learners tab.
Note: If categories are enabled, when you add a group to a course, the course will display in group members’ Learning Library in the All Others category.
Sort Groups
By default, groups are sorted by name. However, you can click any column header to sort your groups by name, score, or number of learners complete. An arrow next to the header will show your selected sorting column. You can sort in ascending or descending order.
Manage Groups
To view users in a group, click the name of the group [1].
To find a new group to add to the course, click the Add Group button [2].
To remove a group, locate the group and click the Remove icon [3].
View Attachments
The Attachments tab shows any attachments that have been added to the course. The attachment name [1], date the file was last modified [2], and user visibility are displayed. User visibility can be turned on and off by clicking the For Learners toggle button [3]. To download the attachment, click the Download icon [4]. To delete the attachment, click the Delete icon [5].
View Affiliated Accounts
If viewing the course details in a top-level account, the Affiliated Accounts tab will be shown [1]. All subaccounts within the top-level account will be listed. The search field can be used to filter through subaccounts [2]. You can toggle course access for each account on and off by using the Course Access toggle button [3]. Granting access to a subaccount will allow admins of that particular subaccount to manage enrollments of that course and track user progress in their subaccount.
Note: The Affiliated Accounts tab will not be visible when the course details are being viewed within a subaccount.
View Associated Content
The Associated Content tab will display any programs the course currently belongs to in the account. Along with the title and link to the program, you will see the number of active enrollments in the program. This information should give Authors more insight into how the course is being used in their organization and more insight on what will be impacted by any changes to the course.
Note: If the course is not a part of any programs then you will see “You haven’t added this course to any programs yet.”