How do I use the Performance Conversation agenda as a manager?

As a manager, using Performance Conversation agendas allows you to have career and growth discussions with your employees to ensure their career paths stay a priority.

Open Performance Conversation Dashboard

When a Performance Conversation cycle has been started you will see the option in the Growth section of your homepage. You will then click on the card for the Performance Conversation.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

View Performance Conversation Dashboard

If your organization has scheduled Performance Conversations, you can begin creating Performance Conversation agendas. To begin an agenda between you and your manager, click the START link under SELF REVIEW [1]. To begin an agenda for your employees, click the START link under MANAGER REVIEW [2].

Once you select Start it will take you to the Performance Conversation wizard, in here you will select Get Started to start filling in your Performance Conversation details.

Note: You can close and resume the wizard at any time.

View Performance Conversation Agenda

Use the agenda to discuss your employee's achievements, plans for career growth and development, and anything else.

The Performance Conversation agenda includes an active Performance Conversation agenda [1], private notes [2], and agenda history [3].

View Performance Conversation Agenda Items

The active Performance Conversation agenda includes the prepared content from the Performance Conversation Wizard. You can also add goals, achievements, assessments, notes, and other agenda items as your discussion progresses.

To collapse or expand the agenda content, click the Arrow icon.

Reorder Performance Conversation Agenda Items

Reorder Performance Conversation Agenda Items

You can use the drag and drop option to reorder collapsed agenda sections. Click the drag handle next to the section. Drop the agenda section in the desired location by releasing the cursor.

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