As a manager, you can use assessments to measure employee job performance.
Note: Depending on your organization's preferences, you may see a different scale in your team's assessment results.
Open My Team Page

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Team option. Then, click on the Skills option.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
View Team Summary

The team summary defaults to the Skill Feedback tab and displays job skills that have been included in your employees' assessments [1]. If a job skill has not been used in an assessment within your team, it will not display in the team summary.
Click a job skill title to view each employee's assessed mastery level for the skill [2].
The placement of the employee avatar indicates the average mastery level chosen by assessors [3].
To request an assessment for an employee, click the Assess Skills button [4].
Note: Depending on your organization's preferences, you may see a different scale in your team's assessment results.
View Employee Summary
To view the employee's last assessment, click the employee's avatar [1] and then click the the Last Assessed [date] link [2]. To create a new assessment, click the New Assessment link [3].
View Skill Coverage
To view a dynamic graphical representation of your employees' skill assessments, click the Skill Coverage link [1].
To view skill coverage for employees who share the same job title, select the job title from the Compare drop-down menu [2]. Employees with matching job titles are listed under the selected job title [3].
To include or exclude employees from the chart, click the employee's name or avatar [4]. The color of each employee name and avatar correspond to the representation in the chart.
You can choose which skills to include in the chart by selecting one or more skills from the Skills drop-down menu [5].
The skill coverage chart displays data from each employee's most recent skill assessment, and can be used to highlight commonalities and outliers of team skills. Employee's assessment results are displayed as a "spiderweb" data visualization, with each spoke representing one assessed skill. The length of the data visualization along each spoke is directly proportional to the average mastery level chosen by assessors.