You can add goals and achievements to the timeline in your History area. The timeline displays HR events, goals, achievements, completed 1on1s, assessments, and learning items in chronological order to give a cohesive view of your career development. You can also view a summary of your timeline items and download a timeline report.
History is a timeline can be used during department transitions, yearly performance reviews, etc. The timeline is centered on the current date and displays the previous three months and next three months by default.
Open History

In the navigation menu click the History link.
View Timeline

View your HR events, completed goals, achievements, 1on1s, assessments, and learning items.
To change the date range of your timeline, click and drag the Date Range slider [1] or select a date range from the Custom Date filter [2].
You can filter your view by timeline item [3], view reports [4], view your timeline summary [5], and add items to your timeline [6].
To view details of a timeline item, click the timeline item icon [7].
View Timeline Summary

To view your timeline summary, click the Summary link [1].
The summary shows items that are included in the preselected date range [2].
To return to the timeline, click the Summary link [3].
Add Item

To add a goal or achievement to your timeline, click the Add button [1] and select the item type you would like to add [2].
Add Goal

To add a title to the goal, click the Goal Title field [1] and enter the title.
To add a due date, click the Due Date field [2] and choose a date from the Calendar menu.
Click the Done button [3].
Add Achievement

To add a title to the achievement, click the Achievement field [1] and enter the title.
To add a description, click the Description field [2] and enter the description.
To add a due date, click the Due Date field [3] and choose a date from the Calendar menu.
Click the Done button [4].
View Item on Timeline

View the item on your timeline.
View Timeline Report

To view a timeline report, click the Report link.
Create Report
Use the toggles to select which timeline items to include in your report [1]. Choose a date range [2] and whether to sort by recent, oldest, or type of timeline item [3]. Click the Create Report button [4].