How do I use the My Learning page as an employee?

When you are invited to an online course, the course will appear on the My Learning page. The My Learning page lists all your courses, programs, live trainings, checkpoints, and surveys in Bridge. Dates within Bridge reflect the time zone of your browser.

Note: If notifications are enabled for your account, you will also receive an email invitation with the name of the course, the due date, and the required score. If the course has been deleted from the account, Bridge will display an error message and you will be directed to your My Learning page.

View My Learning

On the My Learning page, you can view all your online courses, programs, live trainings, checkpoints, and surveys.

To search your learning items, use the Search field [1]. You can change the view of your My Learning page to either List or Grid view [2]. To filter the items that appear on the My Learning page, click the Filter by link [3]. You can filter by type or status.

Surveys and Live Trainings that require action from you will be under the Needs Your Attention header [4]. Required learning items will be under the Required header [5]. Optional trainings that you've enrolled into are under the Added by You header [6]. Learning items that you've completed will be listed in the Completed header [7].


  • The default view for My Learning is Grid view.
  • Currently, the only status you can use to filter is Permanently Failed.

View Required

In the Required section, you can view all learning items you are required to complete. You can view the name of each learning item [1], how many days remain to complete the learning item, and the estimated time it takes to complete [2]. If the learning item is part of a program, you can view the name of the program, the number of items in the program, and progress in the program[3].

You can see the details of the item by selecting details [4]. To begin or view a course or program, click the start button [5].

Note: If the estimated time it takes to complete your learning item is more than 44 minutes, the displayed estimate will be rounded to the nearest hour.

View Course Status

You can view an overview of the status of your courses. When looking at the card for the course you will see a bar which indicates progress at the bottom. For more information about the progress you can select the Details button. When viewing the details it will give you a written percentage of completion for the course [3].

View Overdue

Courses that were not completed by the due date will indicate how far overdue you are above the course title.

View Added by You

In the Added by You section, you can view any courses that are optional for you to complete. Courses become optional if you are removed from the course while you are in progress for the course. Depending on your company's course enrollment process, you may become unenrolled from required courses if you have a change in your job title, department, or other profile attributes.

You can also join or self-enroll in optional courses available in the Learning Library.

If you want to remove the course from your course list, locate the course, select details, and then select remove.

Confirm Remove

To confirm, click Remove.

View Completed

In the Completed section, you can view all courses and programs that you have completed.

To view information about the completed items click on the Details button. The details will inform on the duration of the item, if there was a quiz, media, certificate, or attachments.

When clicking on Details if there are any certificates or attachments you can download them from here.

View or Download Attachments

To acces the attachments for an item, click the Details button [1]. To download the attachment to your computer, click the Name of the attachment [2].

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