How do I view my Bridge notifications?

If enabled for your account, you can view notifications within your user account. Notifications give you an overview of all your account activity such as assessment activity, updates to tasks, 1on1 requests and reminders, Performance Conversation requests and reminders, as well as upcoming, created, and assigned goals. You can interact directly with any items that appear within Notifications.

Note: If your organization has notifications enabled, you can also be notified of Bridge activities via your email account. Notifications will not be sent for private goals.

Open Notifications Menu

Click on the Notifications icon in the Global Navigation menu.
Notifications give you an overview of all your account activity such as assessment activity, updates to tasks, 1on1 requests and reminders, Performance Conversation requests and reminders, and upcoming, created, and assigned goals.

Each item displays an icon for its activity type [1].

Items are organized by date. To view details about the notification, click the provided link.

Dismiss Notification

Dismiss Notification

To dismiss a notification, hover over the notification title and click the Close icon.

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