What email notifications do users receive from the Bridge LMS?
Users can receive a variety of notifications in Bridge. Notifications are sent to the email address in a...
Mobile Push Notifications
Push notification can be enabled and disabled in the mobile app settings, on an individual level. Notifi...
How do I view my Bridge notifications?
If enabled for your account, you can view notifications within your user account. Notifications give you...
How do I view a user's email notifications in an account?
In the User Details page, you can view a user's email notifications.Notes:• Some features may be restr...
[Video] Notifications
In this video, we discuss how to get to notifications and how to toggle on/off all and specific notifica...
How do I manage notifications for an account?
As an admin, you can manage notification settings for employees, authors, managers, support, or everyone...
How do I send direct messages to learners?
So, you want to send some DMs to your learners in Bridge? Cool. Here are all the details you’ll need to...
Can I send bulk notification summaries to people in my organization?
There are three different summary notifications, what Bridge calls “digest” emails, in the admin setting...
How do I resend a Bridge invitation to a user?
When a user is added to Bridge, an invitation and account setup email is sent out to the user. You can r...
How do I send a message to all users in a program?
Once you have published a program and added users, you can message users in your program if notification...
How do I send a message to all users as a manager?
You can send a message to all users in your Bridge account. Messages are sent to the email address in ea...
How do I send a message to all users as an author?
You can send a message to all users in your Bridge account. Messages are sent to the email address in ea...
How do I send a message to all users in a course?
Once you have published a course and added learners, you can message users in your course. Messages are ...
How do I send a message to all users in an account?
You can send a message to all users in your Bridge account. Messages are sent to the email address in ea...
How do I send a message to an individual user as a manager?
You can send a message to an individual user in your Bridge account. Messages are sent to the email addr...
How do I send a message to an individual user as an author?
You can send a message to an individual user in your Bridge account. Messages are sent to the email addr...
How do I send a message to all employees in a live training?
Once you have added users to your live training, you can message users in your training. Messages are se...
How do I send a message to an individual user in an account?
Account admins can send a message to an individual user in your Bridge account. Messages are sent to the...
How do I send a message to a session in a live training?
Once users have registered for a session in a live training, you can message users in a specific session...