The default permissions for each user role have a certain degree of customization that is allowed. Account admins can create custom roles based on an existing default user role, and the custom role will inherit the default permissions of the user role it is based on. Custom roles can be used to modify default roles without any restrictions.
• This feature is enabled by default for account admins, but can be turned on for admins and IT admins.
• Custom user roles can be deleted; however, default user roles cannot be deleted.
• Account admins can assign and modify user roles to learners on the Users page.
• Admins can limit a manager’s default permissions but cannot give the manager role additional permissions.
• Additional permissions can only be given to managers by assigning them an additional role like admin or account admin.
• This feature is not available in Bridge for Teams accounts.
Learn more about roles and permissions in Bridge.
Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin icon. Then, click on Users & Permissions.
In the Users & Permissions menu, select the Roles & Permissions area.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
Edit Permission
Click the Edit icon next to any permission to create a custom role.
Note: It does not matter which permission you edit to create the custom role. You will still need to assign the role to the permissions you want the role to have.
Create Role

In the Name field [1], enter a unique name for your custom user role.
In the Based on drop-down menu [2], select the user role [3] you want to base the custom role on. All custom roles that are created are based on an existing default user role, and the custom role will inherit the default permissions of the user role it is based on.
When you're done, click the Create Role link [4].
View Custom Role
The custom role will be automatically added to all the default permissions of the user role you based the custom role on. In the example above, a Super Author custom role was created based on an Author role. View the default permissions in Bridge.
Add Custom Role to Permission
Once you have created a custom role, you can add it to as many permission groups and/or individual permissions you want. Custom roles can be used to modify default roles without any restrictions. To add a custom role to a permission, locate the permission or permission group and click the Edit icon.

Click the checkbox next to the custom user role. If you are adding a role to the permission group, the role will be added to all the permissions within the group. If you are adding a role to an individual permission, the role will be only be added to that permission.
Edit Custom Roles
To edit custom roles, click the Edit icon.
Remove Custom Role from Permission
To remove a custom role from a permission, click the checkbox next to the custom role you want to remove. If you are removing a role from the permission group, the role will be removed from all the permissions within the group. If you are removing a role from an individual permission, the role will be only be removed from that permission.
Delete Custom Role

To delete a custom role from your account and all permissions, click the Delete icon.
Note: If a user only has a custom role in Bridge, and the custom role is deleted, the user will default to an employee role. The user will not be deleted from your account.
Confirm Delete

Click the Delete link.