Roles & Permissions
How do I create and manage custom user roles in an account?
The default permissions for each user role have a certain degree of customization that is allowed. Accou...
How do I assign or modify user roles in an account?
All users added to Bridge are given the employee role by default. Account admins can assign and modify u...
What is the account admin role?
Note: Some admin features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role. View the default ro...
How do I edit user role permissions in an account?
Account admins can add or remove user roles to or from a group of permissions.Notes:• This feature is ...
Bridge LMS login and password help
Creating a new account in Bridge, logging in, and resetting your password are essential steps to get sta...
How do I reset my password?
If you cannot log in to Bridge, you can reset your password.Note: If you have been unsubscribed from rec...
How do I log in to Bridge?
Log in to Bridge using your login ID and password.If you do not know your login ID and password, make su...
How do I change my password?
Once you are logged in to Bridge, you can change your password.Note: If you are using basic authenticati...
Roles and Permissions: A Full Reference
This document is designed as a complete reference for roles and permissions in Bridge. This document spe...
What is the admin role?
Note: Some admin features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role. View the default ro...
What is the author role?
Authors are employees with the "author" role. All users added to Bridge are given the e...
What is the employee role?
Employees are the students in Bridge courses and can take courses anywhere, even on a mobile device. ...
What is the IT admin role?
Note: Some admin features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role. View the default ro...
What is the manager role?
A Bridge user can be assigned as a manager of an employee or group of employees. Managers are able to be...
How do I update or upload Roles with a CSV file in Bridge?
You can upload a CSV file to assign or update the roles including custom roles of your users. Bridge ha...
How do I set a password for a user in my account using a password reset request?
You can use a password reset request to reset a user's password. When using the Password Reset Request, ...
How do I complete my registration from a Bridge invitation email?
Bridge admins create and manage users in a Bridge account. When you are invited to create a Bridge accou...
How should I set up managers in Bridge?
Setting up your manager settings is one of the most important things you can do in Bridge. ONE. How are ...
[Video] Assigning Manager Relationships
Understand how to assign and manage manager relationships within Bridge to streamline team learning over...
[Video] Limit Manager Permissions
Learn how to set limits on manager permissions within the platform to control access to specific feature...
[Video] Masquerading in Bridge
Learn how to masquerade as another user in Bridge, allowing you to view the platform from their perspect...
[Video] Roles & Permissions
Get familiar with the various roles and permissions in Bridge, ensuring the right users have the correct...
How to troubleshoot Bridge login challenges
We know how frustrating it can be when your learners are all set to dive into a course, but then - bam- ...