How do I edit user role permissions in an account?

Account admins can add or remove user roles to or from a group of permissions.

•   This feature is enabled by default for account admins, but can be turned on for admins and IT admins.
•   Some user role permissions are locked by default and cannot be modified.
•   A user cannot modify their own role.
•   Custom user roles can be deleted; however, default user roles cannot be deleted.
•   Admins can limit a manager’s default permissions but cannot give the manager role additional permissions. 
•   Additional permissions can only be given to managers by assigning them an additional role like admin or account admin.
•   This feature is not available in Bridge for Teams accounts.

Learn more about roles and permissions in Bridge.

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin icon. Then, click on Users & Permissions.
In the Users & Permissions menu, select the Roles & Permissions area.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

View Permissions

On the Permissions page, locate the permission or group of permissions you want to edit. To view individual permissions within a group, click the expand/collapse arrow.

Edit Permission Group

Editing a group of permissions is helpful if you want to quickly assign a user role to all the related permissions within the group. Related permissions [1] are nested below the permission group.

To edit a group of permissions, locate the permission group [2] and click the Edit icon [3].

Note: Changes will apply to all permissions within the group. You will still be able to modify individual permissions within the group.

Edit Individual Permissions

Editing individual permissions is helpful when you only want to assign a user role to specific permissions.

To edit an individual permission, locate the permission group and click the expand/collapse arrow [1]. Then locate the individual permission and click the Edit icon [2].

Note: Some permissions are not part of a group.

Add Role to Permission

The lock icon [1] represents user roles that cannot be modified and are locked by default. The unlock icon [2] represents a user role that can be assigned to the permission. In the Search field [3], you can search all roles in your account.

To add a user role to a permission, click the checkbox next to the role you want to add [4]. If you are adding a role to the permission group, the role will be added to all the permissions within the group. If you are adding a role to an individual permission, the role will be only be added to that permission.

To create a custom role, click the Create Custom Role link [5].

To remove a user role from a permission, click the checkbox next to the role you want to remove. If you are removing a role from the permission group, the role will be removed from all the permissions within the group. If you are removing a role from an individual permission, the role will be only be removed from that permission.

View Modified Permissions

View your modified permissions. In the example above, the author role was added to the manage surveys permission group [1] and view survey results permission [2].

Restore Default

To restore a permission back to its default setting, click the Restore Default link. This will restore the permission back to its default user roles.

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