How do I manage Performance Conversation settings for an account?

As an admin, you can manage conversation questions and schedule Performance Conversations in your Bridge Perform account. These settings let you customize and add Performance Conversation agenda questions and schedule Performance Conversations for your entire organization.

Note: Some features may be restricted based on
permissions for your user role.

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin icon. Then, click on Performance and select the Performance Conversations area.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

View Performance Conversations

Once you enter the Performance Conversations area you can see the cycle name, type, status, employee count, and you can manage the individual cycles.

To view and manage existing cycles click on their name or the pencil icon [1] next to the cycle. To set up new cycles click on the Create New Cycle [2] button.

To Download Employee CSV, Duplicate Cycle, or Delete a cycle click on the three-dots [3] for the specific cycle.

View Performance Conversation Questions

In the Questions tab within the cycles, you can customize the conversation questions headers for Wins, Plan, and Other sections.

Add Questions

To add a question in any section available you will click on + Add A Question [1], and then select the question type you want to add. We have Multiple Choice, Multi-Select, Freeform Response, and Rating Scale [2] available for selection.

You can collapse or expand all sections [3] easily.

All question types allow you to select if they are for the Manager or Employee and decide on the Question Text and Answer Hint.

Question Settings

Multiple Choice, Multi-Select, and Rating scale will also have the following options:

  • Answer is required
  • Add "Not Applicable" option to this question
  • Add comment box on this question
    • Leaving a comment is required (If comment box is enabled)
  • Add question targeting option (Question appears for employees that are in a certain job title, department, or email.)

Note: Freeform questions only have Answer is Required and Question Targeting available for that question type.

Question Targeting

You can target any question type to a specific group of people. You can choose from Job Title, Department, and Email and if it IS or IS NOT the selected item and value. Each option can have multiple items selected for the condition.

Creating a new Performance Conversation Cycle

When creating a new cycle you will be asked to provide a Cycle Name [1] and select the Cycle Type [2]. There are two different types of Performance Conversation Cycle that can be selected Free Conversation and Staged.

Free Conversation cycles are less structured and ideal to use for informal reviews. Managers and Employees can fill out their agendas and complete their Performance Conversation on their own timeline. All steps are to be completed between the start and due date.

Staged cycles are sequenced and structured. It is ideal for formal review cycles, such as an end-of-year review. A start date and due date are defined for each stage: Employee Review, Manager Review, Calibration, and Performance Conversation.

Once you've chosen the Cycle Type select Save and Continue [3] to proceed to the employee selection step.

Employee Selection

After choosing the cycle type, you will need to add the employees that will be part of this Performance Conversation cycle. To add the users, you will select Manage Participants [1] and then can Add Employee or Add Via Group and you can update Participants selecting Update via CSV in this area. If users need to be removed, you can use the Remove via CSV, or you can click the three dots [2] next to the user's name; you can also use that option to change reviewers. If adding users via CSV, the CSV only requires the Employees ID and the Reviewers ID; if needing help formatting the CSV file, you can use the Download Users List option on this page.

If you'd like to have all employees participate, you can click Download Users List [3] to quickly get a list of all users in the account to create the file. If selecting to download the first two columns of that file is all you need, it will list the employee's and current manager's id; if the user does not have a manager, their reviewer column will be blank. You can edit this file as needed.

If you want to export the users you've just set, you can use the Export Participants option under Manage Participants [1] to review the data you've just set.

Once you've set the employees for this cycle, select Continue [4]. If you don't want to proceed with this cycle, you can choose Delete [5] to delete the cycle or Cancel [6] to exit setting employees and return later.

Note: You do not have to set the user's manager as their reviewer; if someone would be better to review the employee, you can put their name in the reviewer column.

Adding, Updating, and Removing Employees

There are times when an Employee may need to be updated within the cycle, which is quickly done in several ways. If you need to add an individual employee, you can select Manage Participants and then Add Employee [1], or if you want to update users in mass, you can choose Update Via CSV [2].

To remove users, you can click on the More Actions Button [3] to the right of their name and select Remove Employee from Cycle, or you can remove them in mass by selecting Remove Via CSV [4].

To change a Reviewer for an employee, you can use the More Actions Button [3] to the right of their name and select Change Reviewer. Or if you need to set multiple people to the same reviewer, you can select the Checkbox [5] to the left of their names, allowing you to Change the reviewer or delete them all from the cycle.

Add Via Group

When adding participants to a cycle using the Add via Group option in Manage Participants there are a few things to keep in mind.

When adding a Group to a cycle it takes a snapshot of the Group at the time it was added. This means dynamic changes are not pushed through; new users added to the group are not automatically added to the cycle. To add users that were recently added to a group you can either add them individually, via CSV, or you can go through the Add Via Group option again.

Once a cycle is active you cannot use the Add via Group option you must maintain the users individually or using CSV.

You can add multiple groups to a Performance Conversation. You can either type in the name of the group or selecting them from the drop down that appears when clicking in the search box.

Once you add a Group to a cycle you will be informed on how many groups were added to the cycle, how many employees were added to the cycle and how many employees were not added due to not having a manager.

If you click on the line that indicates how many users were not added to the cycle it will show you the users not added Names and Emails.

Staged Cycle

Once you've selected the Employees that will participate in the Staged cycle, you will be taken to the Scheduling part of the cycles setup. You will be able to set a start and end date for each stage of the cycle.

Employee Review [1] is when the employee will perform the self-review portion of the Performance Conversation.

Manager Review [2] is when the manager will review each of their employees.

Calibration [3] is the portion of the review where the managers can meet with HR and ensure their ratings are appropriate for each user. The Performance Conversation cannot be started until this stage is completed.

Performance Conversation [4] Managers and Employees can meet and have their conversations.

Free Cycle

Free Conversation cycles will ask you to schedule a state and due date for the cycle. It also allows you to set a notification for the cycle if desired.

Viewing Past Performance Conversation Cycles

To view details of a past Performance Conversation cycle you can click on the Cycle Name [1] or on the Pencil Icon to Manage [2]. Once in there you will see the details you set when creating the cycle.

View Performance Conversation Insights Overview

To view completions details for the various cycles in your account you can see these by going to the Insights option in the navigation and then selecting Performance Conversations.

You can switch between past and present cycles by clicking on the Cycle Name [1]. You can search for specific managers, export a csv, and sort the list [2]. You can also easily navigate to the Performance Conversation Cycle Admin [3] if needing to review cycle details or create a new cycle.

Note: This area is only updated once a day, it will indicate the last updates timestamp above the completion widgets.

Performance Conversation Manager Insights

You can click on the Managers name from the list in the insights to see their specific user details. It will tell you how many of their Performance Conversations have been completed [1], how may self reviews have been completed [2], how many manager reviews are done [3], it will also indicate what pieces have been completed for each specific user [4].

Note: This only reports on direct reports.

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