How do I use the Users page as an admin?

The Users page shows all users in your account and you can filter by role to view only users with a specific role.

•   Sorting by managers is not available.
•   Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin icon. Then, click the Users & Permissions menu option.
In the Users & Permissions menu, select Manage Users.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

View Users

The Users page shows all users in your account by default, including name, login ID, and email address.

Sort Users

By default, users are sorted alphabetically by last name. Click the name column header to sort in ascending or descending order.

Filter Roles

All users added to Bridge are given the employee role by default. You can use the Role filter to filter by specific role [1].

In the Search field [2], you can also search for users within the filtered role.

Filter Users

In the Filter drop-down menu, you can filter the user list to display all users or only managers. You can also filter by user status to view active or terminated users.


  • If you add a user with the same unique identifier (UID) as a deleted user, the deleted user is not restored; instead, a new user is created. Deleted users and their enrollment history will remain in the Terminated users list.
  • Auto CSV will restore a terminated profile when the user is added back into the CSV file with the same unique identifier (UID).
  • If you are not using Auto CSV, you can manually restore a profile by locating the user in the Terminated users list and clicking the Restore button on that user's profile.

Manage Users

You can manage users in your account at any time, including modifying user roles, exporting users, and removing users from the account.

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