You can use a CSV file to add or update users to your account and assign managers. When you add new users to your account, they are immediately sent an email notification to set up an account.
You can also add users to courses, programs, or groups with a CSV file.
Before uploading, please confirm how to properly format the CSV file.
• Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
• The manager role is automatically created and permissions for the role cannot be modified.
• If using automatic CSV, you will not be able to add or remove learners on the Users page.
• All new data will replace existing Bridge data.
• When updating user information via CSV, you will need to assign the Login ID key to the column matching the unique identifier (UID).
• The ability to set user passwords is a setting that must be enabled for your account. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.
• Bridge only recognizes unique email addresses. You can use a different alias to create multiple unique email addresses in Bridge. If you have multiple Bridge accounts and want to use the same email, you will need to add an alias to your email address. For example, emails sent to [your email]+[alias1] and [your email]+[alias2] will be delivered to your
Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin icon. Then, click the Users & Permissions menu option.
In the Users & Permissions menu, select Manage Users.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.
Add/Update Users & Assign Managers
Drag and drop the CSV file onto the page. You can also browse or choose a file on your computer.
Ignore CSV Column Headers
If your CSV file contains column headers, click the This file has column headers checkbox so that Bridge will ignore the first line of your file.
Note: The CSV import page will only allow you to preview 5 rows of data.
Assign Login ID
Drag the Login ID key to the column containing the unique identifier (UID), which could be a user's name, employee ID, or email address. A unique identifier defines all account information per Bridge user.
Note: If updating user information, you will need to drag the Login ID key to the column matching the unique identifier.
Assign Manager ID
This step is optional. If you are assigning managers, drag the Manager ID key [1] to the column containing the manager's unique identifier (UID). If you are not assigning managers, click the Next button [2] to skip this step.
- The manager UID must either already exist in Bridge or be added during the import.
- When a user gets reassigned to a new manager, Bridge will automatically update the user's course and smart group enrollments. Any courses the user has not started will be removed and any courses in progress will be made optional.
Removing Managers
To remove a manager from a user, use the Add via CSV option to import a CSV file where the manager UID column for the managed user is blank. The previously managed user will no longer have a manager assigned to them.
Note: Do not use the Remove via CSV option as that will completely remove the manager from Bridge. If a manager is completely removed from Bridge, the manager's smart group will be archived and listed as "[name]'s Learners (archived)" on the Groups page if there are current course enrollments.
Add Other Data Fields
Match the Bridge format boxes with the columns in your CSV file. Drag and drop the appropriate format box to each column.
The following codes can be used to choose the language setting for users on an individual basis. Bridge notification emails and the Bridge user interface will be shown in the chosen language.
Note: Setting a language for a user will not translate course content.
Create Custom Field
To create a custom field as a format box for your CSV file, click the New Field box. Enter the name of your custom field and click the Enter/Return key. You can then drag and drop the custom format box to the appropriate column.
Any custom fields you create will always be included in your account as CSV file import options.
Note: The character limit for custom attributes is 255 characters.
Delete Custom Field
To delete a custom field, locate the field and click the Remove icon.
Note: Custom fields used in a smart group cannot be deleted.
Import File
When you are finished formatting your CSV file, click the Finish button.
Confirm Import
Bridge will confirm your CSV import and display the status of your import.
If there are any errors with your import, you will receive an email notification.
Click the Confirm button.
Note: If you make updates to users who already exist in Bridge, "[X] existing learners will be modified" will display in the confirmation message.