As a manager, you can request skills feedback for employees on your team. Feedback allow you to measure employee job performance by viewing employee job skill mastery levels.
Open My Team Page
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Team option. Then select the Skills section.
Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

Assess Skills

To create an assessment for an employee, click the Assess Skills button.
Select Employee

Select the employee's name from the drop-down menu.
Add Assessment Details

Enter a name for the skill assessment [1].
Select one or more skills that you would like to include in the assessment [2].
To provide context around the assessment, select an industry standard from the Assessment Standard [3].
To choose the employees you would like to complete the assessment search the names from the Select Assessors menu [4].

Feedback can be set for Anonymous Feedback or Non-Anonymous Feedback. If allowed you will see the toggle at the bottom of the page when setting up the feedback.
Another option that can be set is Manager Sign-off. This will allow Managers to decide if they want the feedback shared with the user automatically or once approved.
Note: These options are controlled at the admin level. If you do not see these options you will want to reach out to the account admin to discuss the possibility of enabling them.
Send Assessment

Click the Send Assessment button.
Assessors will be notified of the pending assessment. Depending on your organization's preferences, assessments can be due one to four weeks after the assessment is sent.