How do I view employee goals as a manager?

You can view your employee's goals by viewing the My Team Goals page. Personal goals that an employee has marked as private are not visible to managers and cannot be aligned with company or team goals.

Open Goals

Click on the TEAM option in the Global Navigation menu. Then click on Goals.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

View Active Goals

The My Team Goals page defaults to the Active Goals tab. Active goals are organized by employee and display when the goal is due [1] and the number of assigned subtasks [2]. If the goal includes a status, you can view the status [3].

View Goal States and Statuses

To view goals that have been completed by your employees, click the Filter [1]. From here you can filter for any state or status a goal is in.

Create New Team

To create a new team goal you select + Add Team Goal. From here you can create a Traditional team goal or Assigned Individual goal.

Create Traditional Team Goal

When you create a Traditional Team Goal you are required to Name it, add a Due Date ,  Status, and identify if it will be for only your direct reports or direct and indirect reports. Optionally you can add a description, start date, or alignment to a company goal. Once this has been set select Create Goal.

Assign Individual Goal

When you assign an individual goal you will be required to add a Goal Title, due date, status, and progress metric. Optionally you can add a description, start date, and weight. You will also be able to identify any goal subtasks, progress, alignment with a team or company goal, select sharing, and assign the goal to those needed. Once you’ve finished with this select Assign Goal.

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