Configuring Okta SSO with Bridge


The purpose of this document is to assist in configuring Okta SSO with Instructure Bridge



  1. Admin access to Okta
  2. Account Admin access in Bridge



1. Sign into Okta as an admin

2. Select the Applications tab

3. Select Add Application and search for Instructure Bridge, then click "Add"

4. Add your Bridge subdomain name and click next

5.Select theSign On tab and copy theIdentity Provider metadata url link.

Tip: You may right-click on the link and 'copy link address' depending on your browser.

6. Open Bridge in another tab or window. Navigate to Admin > Auth > SAML 2.0

7. Paste the Identity Provider Metadata copied from Okta in step 5.

Enter - urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress- into the Name ID Format URN field

Then select Save

8.After you select save, the last three fields will populate.Copy the ACS URL and Audience URI.

9. Paste the copied ACS URL and Audience URI into Okta Sign On page. Then select Save

10. The last step is to give your users access in Okta. Select Assignments then Assign. You can then select the users or groups you would like to have access to Bridge.



  1. Open an Incognito or Private Browsing window in your preferred browser.
  2. Navigate to your Bridge instance by navigating to https://{client_domain}
  3. Login to your Okta service. You should see your Admin Dashboard or My Learning Dashboard in Bridge.
  4. If you are successful in logging in, Okta is successfully enabled


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