Bridge uses webhooks to provide other applications with real-time information. Webhooks are similar to APIs in that they send data from the app to a third party application. However, webhooks let you skip a step. With most APIs, there is a request for data followed by a response. With webhooks, data is automatically sent when there is new data to send.
Currently, a webhook must be configured by a Bridge Support user. Email support@bridgeapp.com for help.
When should I use API calls and when should I use webhooks?
API Calls are useful when you need to extract a lot of data or when you need to extract data in an asynchronous way. If you can get data on page-load, for example, or based on a specific event in your application, you might use API calls to get that data. If you must sync an initial set of data, you might need to use API calls and then implement webhooks to receive updates on any changes after the initial sync.
Webhooks are useful when you need to take real-time action on events that happen in Bridge. They are much more efficient than making a lot of API calls, but they often wont have all the data you need.
A webhook consists of the following elements:
- Name: This is only used for identifying the webhook. There are no restrictions on what the name can be. We recommend giving it a name that helps you remember what the webhook does and what tools or users are using it.
- Destination URL: This is the location where Bridge will send the payload data. Payload data is simply the requested information in a message. The destination URL will need to have a way to receive the message and will need to be correctly configured to process the JSON body that will be sent to it.
- Bearer Token: This is simple method for knowing that messages are coming from Bridge. Each individual webhook can be configured with a secret token. This secret token will be included in the header of the messages. As with the webhooks name, there are no restrictions on what the secret token can be.
- HMAC Secret: In cases where the message needs to be authenticated, a shared secret key can be provided. This key will be used to produce an HMAC, or message signature, that will be used to verify the message was sent by Bridge and has not been tampered with during delivery. This feature should be used only if you are are already aware of HMAC.
Steps for Configuration
Once the name, destination, and tokens have been specified, you can begin configuring your webhook. Configuration of the webhook includes choosing the resources and events you would like to be sent to the Destination URL. Resources are the objects where changes occur, such as users and courses. Events are the type of changes that are made to those objects, such as creation and deletion. You can select multiple resources to be sent to one Destination URL. Additionally, multiple resources events can also be sent to one Destination URL. For example, you can request information about course creation, course updates, and live training creation be sent to the same Destination URL. You can select as many or as few events as you would like.
The following events are available for each resource:
Resource | Event | Payload Format | |||
Users | Create | Update | Delete | User Object:
Enrollments | Create | Update | Delete | Complete | Course Object:
Courses | Create | Update | Delete | Course Object:
Live Trainings | Create | Update | Delete | Live-training object:
Live Training Registrations | Create | Update | Delete | Registration Object:
Programs | Create | Update | Delete | Program object:
How secure are webhook messages?
It is important to note that you must provide a secure endpoint to ensure the security of your webhook messages. We also provide an additional layer of security by giving you the option of providing a bearer token to include in messages. You can also sign your webhook messages with an HMAC token that can be used for verifying that the message has come from Bridge.