This document walks you through setting up Google OAuth with Google and Bridge.
1. Admin access to Google Suite
2. Account Admin access in Bridge
1. Sign into Bridge as an account admin
2. Navigate to Admin > Account Management > Auth > Google Sign-In. Select Enable

3. Copy the URL - https://auth.bridgeapp.com/google-oidc/callback

4. In another window, navigate to https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-resource-manager?pli=1.
5. Select Create Project

6. Enter the Project Name, select the Organization and Location. Select Create.
7. Once the Project is created, navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials
8. Select OAuth consent screen. Populate the following information on this page:
- Application Name: Your choice
- Application Logo: Logo Link
- Authorized Domains: bridgeapp.com (then select enter)
- Select Save

9. Navigate to Credentials. Select Create Credentials. Select OAuth client ID.

10. Populate the following:
- Application Type: Web Application
- Name: Your choice
- Authorized redirect URIs: https://auth.bridgeapp.com/google-oidc/callback (Copied from Step 3)
- Select Create
11. A new window with the Client ID & Client Secret will populate. Navigate to Bridge and input the two values. Select Save
12. Complete!
- Open an Incognito or Private Browsing window in your preferred browser.
- Navigate to your Bridge instance by navigating to https://{client_domain}.bridgeapp.com.
- If you are successful in logging in, Google OAuth is successfully enabled