Mobile Push Notifications

Push notification can be enabled and disabled in the mobile app settings, on an individual level. Notifications are turned on automatically for Android users [2], iOS users [1] are prompted to turn them on.

The mobile app currently supports push notifications related to Learning and 1on1's.

Note: In order to use push notifications, relevant email notifications must be turned on for the whole organization by the Bridge admin.

Learning Push Notifications


 Checkpoint Approval Requested

 Enrolled in Live Training

Enrolled in Live Training Session

 Upcoming Live Training Session

Live Training Session Canceled

Enrolled in Course

Course Updated

Enrolled in Program

Enrolled in Checkpoint

Checkpoint Approved

Checkpoint Approval Rejected

1on1 Push Notifications

Column 1

 1on1 request received

1on1 request reminder

 Accepted 1on1 invite

Rejected 1on1 invite

Withdrawn 1on1 invite

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