What quiz types can I add to a course?
Bridge makes it easy to add quizzes to your course. Bridge includes three types of Smart Quizzes that generate their ...
How do I limit quiz attempts in a course?
Authors can limit the amount of quiz attempts users can take within a course. The Limit Quiz Attempts option designat...
How do I add feedback to a quiz question?
Authors can add custom feedback to quizzes within a course. Quiz feedback will display to users after they have submi...
How do I add a Sorting quiz?
Sorting quizzes let you create questions with answers in the form of sortable lists.See how users view Sorting quizze...
How do I add a Short Answer quiz?
Short answer quizzes let you collect open ended questions and answers.See how users view Short Answer quizzes.Note: S...
How do I add a Multiple Choice quiz?
Multiple Choice quizzes let you create your own questions that only have one correct answer.See how users view Multip...
How do I add a Multiple Answer quiz?
Multiple Answer quizzes let you create questions that have multiple correct answers.See how users view Multiple Answe...
How do I add a Factoid quiz?
Factoid quizzes let you create factual statements for users to identify. Bridge uses your entries to automatically cr...
How do I add a Steps in a Process (ordered list) quiz?
Steps in a Process quizzes let you create a list of questions for users to put in a specific order or list as specifi...
How do I add a Vocabulary quiz?
Vocabulary quizzes let you create vocabulary terms and definitions. Bridge uses your entries to automatically create ...
What types of quizzes can I take in a course?
Your online course can contain a variety of quiz types. Course quizzes may display feedback created by the course aut...
How do I enable Bridge Retain for a course?
Bridge Retain is a tool that helps users recall information from their courses and can be enabled for an...