Whether you are provisioning users via an automated feed from your HRIS or other source of truth or manually adding users into your Bridge account, there are a few ways to maintain clean user records.
We are going to walk through the three areas to pull users from Bridge: Admin > Manage Users, Analytics > Usage Metrics, and Admin > Tools > Download All Data.
In “Manage Users,” there are two ways to pull all ACTIVE users in your account:
- Admin > Users & Permissions > Manage Users > Export Users (blue hyperlink)
- Admin > Users & Permissions > Quick Actions > Export All Users (side navigation)
This exports the same CSV, and it is the only file to see users and their assigned roles. The Analytics file (that we will touch on later in this article) also contains users and their custom fields, but it can pull anyone who has ever logged into Bridge, now deleted or active.
In the admin users export, Column E will show you comma-separated values for all roles. This is an opportunity to review the roles your users have and consider if some need to be removed, changed, or updated based on permissions and business needs.

You can read more on how to manage roles here. And you can also upload roles via CSV.
SIDE NOTE. The manager role is only assigned when a UID is placed into the manager UID field for another active user. It cannot be modified in the same way that all other roles can be managed.
The custom fields for your users will appear in column S and beyond. It is good practice to confirm that the values in these fields are consistent, specifically because of their impact on smart groups. In the example below for “State,” there are abbreviations, full correct spellings, and misspellings:

If your user provisioning is set up on a feed, you’ll want to discuss the discrepancy in data with the owner of the system that is the source of truth.
If you are provisioning users manually, this can easily be cleaned up through filtering the CSV file and replacing the bad values. You can re-upload the same file, mapping the UID and then clicking “next” when asked to map the manager UID.

The final step would be to remove everything that automapped and only map the compromised field that needs updated.
SIDE NOTE. This change could trigger enrollments for learners when they are put into the appropriate smart groups (i.e. if the smart group is set up for all learners with a value of “California” where “CA” was not picked up historically for that user).
Another piece of data that can be gathered from this user file is in column Q, which will show the user’s last visit date:

This tells us the last time the user was active in the system. It can be helpful to filter for blanks in this column to (1) follow up with their managers if expected behavior is that the users have logged into Bridge or (2) remove them from the system if they have been provisioned into the account for a long time without any action.
The third file that an admin can export to investigate users and their custom fields is via Analytics > Usage Metrics.
You’ll want to adjust the date to “is any time” and then delete the root account from the “Account Name” (to pull across all subs). You also need to show terminated users.
The filters will look like this:

Scroll down to the “Total Unique Users” widget and click on the hyperlinked number.
Download this CSV. It contains the “User Deleted” column and all the custom field values.
You can go through an identical exercise with this file to check user data accuracy and consistency, re-uploading the file and mapping only the fields that need to be modified in order to ensure data integrity.
There is a fourth file in Bridge that can be downloaded to expose users, and it contains more granular data on the creation, updated, and termination dates. The data dump (Download All Data) file is ALL users for ALL time in ALL of your accounts, root and subs.
Go to Admin > Tools > Download All Data > Users and generate an export.
You’ll want to change the format to “date” for created_at, updated_at, deleted_at, welcomed_at, logged_in_at.
The “logged_in_at” value will match the first user export from the user management interface for “Last Visit.” If they received a welcome email, then they will have a value in the “welcomed_at” field. This report can help you examine when a user was invited into Bridge and whether or not you should delete them because of lack of activity. A user with a value in the “deleted_at” column is already terminated.
If managing users manually, you can remove learners in these two areas:
- Admin > Users & Permissions > Manage Users > Remove via CSV (blue hyperlink)
- Admin > Users & Permissions > Quick Actions > Remove users via CSV (side navigation)
You will need to upload only a list of UIDs here:
Read here for more information on removing users via CSV.
Once completed, you can filter users by “terminated” status to confirm expected behavior.

There are more notes here on filtering users.
SIDE NOTE. Terminated users can always be restored, and their enrollment history will also be restored. If they were mid-course, the course will need to be restarted, but all historical completions will remain and the transcript will not be negatively impacted.
If you need to pull historical data on terminated users, this is possible through the Transcript tool in Analytics.
If you choose the “More” option and scroll down to “Show Terminated User Enrollments,” the default is “No.” You can set this to “Yes” or “Terminated Only” to get the appropriate data.
Once selected, click the circular arrow in the top corner to refresh the report.
If you would like to know which users belong to which sub-account and the number of provisioned users per sub, you can find directions here.
Please reach out to support@bridgeapp.com if you have any questions!
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