In this webinar, recorded September 2023, Stephanie demonstrates how to pull data from different areas in Bridge to better understand how to use Analytics and read the exports.
This webinar demonstrates
- What data to pull from Bridge and when
- Building your business case for Bridge
- How to prep Bridge data for your year-end review
Is it possible to filter who has done specific courses and the time spent on them?
Yes, the ‘time spent’ export gives you the individual learners and the amount of time they spent on each learning item. You could filter this export by the specific course you are interested in and see how much time was spent.
We also have a help article that covers Time in Course Good-to-Knows.
What is included in the ‘Time spent on course’ report? Is it only courses? Or Programs, Checkpoints and Live Trainings as well?
Yes, currently the ‘Time spent on Courses’ widget shows total time spent on all course enrollments that are in the filtered time range. It does not include time spent on learning items other than courses.
How does time in training work with Live Training?
The ‘Live Training Sessions Progress’ widget on the Overview page gives you the session start, planned & actual end time as well as session duration. You can drill into the participants metric for the attendees list.
For the time, is there a way on the reports that will show the duration of the course (how long the course actually is vs how long the user took to complete this course)?
Yes, the course_templates.csv from the data dump [Admin > Download All Data] provides ‘estimated_time’ (or the duration of the course) in minutes. You could cross reference the id in the course_templates.csv with the course ID from the ‘time spent on course’ export.
Is there a report that can identify who registered a learner in a course or a program?
Here is an article on how to find the enrollment source for an enrollment. It does require pulling a handful of data dum/Download All Data files to compare to the enrollment_sources.csv. Note that you could focus on the users.csv and disregard anything about Program, group, or Journey enrollment sources if you are only concerned with who registered a learner in a course or Program.
Is there a way to send an email invite blast to users who haven't logged in from a particular group?
You can find out who has not logged into Bridge by pulling the users.csv from the data dump and filtering for the logged_in_at column. If that column is blank, a user has not logged in. You could then take the UIDs and create a manual group. Select ‘Add New Group’ > ‘Add via csv’ and create the group. Now you can send a custom message to the group.
Does a list exist that outlines which each of the Download Data Exports (data dump reports) shows?
There is a Data Export Reference Guide on our Community page under ‘How do I download all data from an account?’
We also have some resources in our best practice portal called Data Export Good-to-Knows.
Can I see what managers or departments have the most "overdue" learners?
Yes, this is visible in the Overview page by filtering for manager.
Also, in the Transcript, it’s possible to filter for both the manager group and a status of ‘overdue.’
Can we use APIs to get to this information?
Yes, the data dump can be pulled via API, and Bridge has open API documentation. We have many clients pulling data this way to export to data warehouse programs.
In Analytics, you can set up reports to be delivered to SFTP or S3 buckets for pickup by a BI tool.
Is there a filter that will pull the user's title in the transcript?
The standard Bridge fields do not export in the Transcript. You can do a VLOOKUP to the users.csv file to add in the user’s title by leveraging the UID in both exports.
If we are using an integration for external courses (like OpenSesame), will those usage metrics also be reflected in Bridge metrics? Does course template data include SCORM courses?
Yes, the course_templates.csv does have a course_type, which shows the type of course: Bridge native (0), SCORM (1), Lynda (2), or OpenSesame (3). Usage metrics for any course will be in Analytics.
Is it possible to create these in analytics itself and create custom graphs/calculations?
You can create custom widgets through our beta program, Advanced Analytics. There is a help article on the role here.
How can you add Live Events to this report? We have people overdue for those. too, but there isn't a way to mark those events as required.
The best way to pull Live Training data is through the widgets on the Overview page.
If you need to make a Live Training required, we recommend putting it into a Program with a due date requirement where that Program can then be filtered in the Transcript, which will include the Live Training to check on status.
Is there a way to add the separate Bridge standard fields of first name and last name on the transcript reports, instead of just the ‘User Name?’ Our managers want to be able to sort the report by last name. We have not been able to figure out how to get First Name and Last Name on the transcript as separate fields.
If you use the users.csv from the 'download all data' reports, you could then compare the UID from this report to the UID in the transcript export to create a VLOOKUP to include first and last name of the user.
When we create a user account, we document organization on other information. Can this be accessible to pull in the exported data if needed to search or organize.
The custom data you include in the user profile is only available via ‘export all users’ in the admin navigation. This can be brought into other exports where you can run VLOOKUPs against the other files to include additional details in the exports.
Note that this export does not include any terminated users. The users.csv from they data dump includes terminated users, but it does not include the custom fields for the users.
Is it possible to filter by department in the widget or only by downloading the report?
You can filter by groups in the widget, and you can make a department smart group even if you don’t affiliate any content and only use it for reporting.
Is there a way to filter recommended content for a learner just like filtering by required?
Recommended content is not technically an enrollment for a user. It is just a suggestion for the learner to enroll. With that, there is no way to filter for recommended content in the Transcript. It would be possible to pull a few data dump files to cross-check what content is being recommended to who. Overall, recommended content will show up when filtering for ‘not required’ if the user does self-enroll (unless there’s a due date and then the content will become ‘required’).
For the 2-5 percent standard time learning mentioned- does this number correlate to higher retention, performance, etc. There is sometimes a perception that there is too much training and I would love to provide smart data on learning time.
There is a lot of data on this topic! We recommend starting with this article by our Chief Learning Officer, Karie Willyerd.