How do I create and distribute an engagement survey for an account using the blank survey template?

You can create a survey using the Blank Survey template. You can also create a survey using the Employee Engagement Survey template.

•   Some features may be restricted based on permissions for your user role.
•   In order to see question result data, your engagement survey must have at least one factor associated with it.

Open Insights Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Insights option. Then, click the Engagement Surveys menu option.

Note: The Global Navigation menu may differ depending on what is enabled in your account.

Create Survey

Click the Create Survey button.

Create Survey

Create Survey from Template

Hover over the Blank Survey template and click the Create button.

Add Survey Name

In the Survey Name field, enter a survey name [1]. To enable manager dashboards for the survey, click the Enable manager dashboards toggle button [2]. Managers will receive an email notification once the survey closes to view their direct reports' results. Click the Save and Continue button [3].

Build Survey

In the Build tab [1], you can add text to display when employees begin and end the survey.

Enter text in the Front Cover Title and Front Cover Body fields [2].

Enter text in the Back Cover Title and Back Cover Body fields [3].

Note: In order to see question result data, your engagement survey must have at least one factor associated with it.

Create a New Question

To create a new question to add to the blank survey template, click the Create a New Question button [1]. To search for previously created questions, enter the question text in the Search field [2]. To filter the questions by factor, click the Filter menu [3].

Save and Continue

Save and Continue

Click the Save and Continue button.

Schedule Survey

In the Schedule tab [1], create a schedule to distribute the survey. You can change the survey frequency in months. To change the survey frequency, type a number in the Survey frequency field [2].

In the Survey start date field [3], select a date to distribute the survey. In the Survey window field [4], type the number of days the survey will be open.

If you want to set a specific end date, enter a date in the Survey end date field [5].

The calendars display the survey schedule after it is created [6].

Click the Save and Continue button [7].

Share Survey

In the Share tab [1], select recipients to receive the survey.

In the Search field [2], begin typing the name of a group or individuals. To add recipients to the list, click one of the populated names [3].

Customize Notification Email

You can customize the notification email by editing the headline, message, and button text [1].

You can include recent wins by selecting a factor to show how you are addressing employee feedback. Select a factor, enter headline text, and story text [2].

In the preview pane [3], you can view your customizations.

Schedule Survey Reminders

You can select multiple reminders and update or set new reminders to encourage survey completion.

To schedule survey reminders, click a Number of Days icon.  

Save and Continue

Save and Continue

Click the Save and Continue button.

Review Survey

Once you have confirmed each review item is correct, click the circle icon next to the item to display a checkmark [1]. The survey cannot be sent until you have confirmed each item.

If needed, you can update questions [2], schedule [3], and the distribution list [4].

Once all items have been confirmed, click the Approve Survey button[5].

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