Engagement Surveys
How do I take an engagement survey?
Occasionally, your organization may ask for your anonymous feedback by using a survey. When you are assi...
How do I manage engagement survey questions for an account?
As an admin, you can manage survey questions in your organization. You can create new survey questions a...
How do I create and distribute an engagement survey for an account using a pre-created engagement survey template?
You can create a survey using the Employee Engagement Survey template. You can also create a survey usin...
How do I view team engagement survey results as a manager?
When a survey closes, you will receive an email notification inviting you to review your direct reports'...
How do I view engagement survey results for an account?
Once a survey has closed or been completed, you can view the overall results. For each survey, you can v...
How do I manage engagement survey factors for an account?
As an admin, you can manage factors in your organization. Factors are what drives employees to work at y...
How do I set up engagement surveys?
Our default engagement survey is designed to complement our career drivers. The factors and questions ar...
How do I create and distribute an engagement survey for an account using the blank survey template?
You can create a survey using the Blank Survey template. You can also create a survey using the Employee...