[Webinar] Best Practices for Customer and Partner Training

In this webinar, recorded January 2024, Stephanie covers best practices when using Bridge to train customers and partners. 


This session examines

  • User provisioning best practices
  • Breaking down content visibility to learners
  • Best practices for external training

We also have a supplemental article that covers this topic here



Can you discuss the pros and cons of using sub-accounts (specifically, sub-accounts versus groups in relation to content)?

GREAT question! Sub-accounts are best used when you need to completely silo out a group of users into another account. If you plan to add an Account Admin, and you want that admin to have full rights in the account, you likely don’t want them to see (and have power) over ALL users. What we often see, however, is that customers will start with sub-accounts and then realize that they have to administrate every single account (or enable admins from the sub-account group to do it themselves). It can become a lot of work. AND smart groups are really designed to manage cohorts of users in a single account. You can silo visibility of content to groups (we have a help article on popular smart groups and making smart groups smarter). We highly advise reading this article on sub-accounts versus smart groups for more details.


When it comes to the content, sub-accounts will require affiliating coursework down to the sub-accounts and managing it granularly from each sub-account. Smart groups allow for granular permissions to view specific sets of content while automating enrollments based on business needs.

What if you use a root account with smart groups and use sub-accounts?

This is great! We’re going to take some liberties with this question and assume you may be using Bridge internally from the root account (and have smart groups set up for those internal users). You can absolutely also use a sub-account for a different reason (and everything in the root account will stay protected as it is).

What are all the settings of the root account that trickle down to a sub-account?

You can persist the brand colors and logos of your course content from the root account to sub-accounts (i.e. cover slides and certificates). If you are interested in see an example and learning more, click here.

We have a separate article here on all the course data that persists from the root to the sub-account when affiliating content. Most of the data is customizable once the content is pushed to the sub-account. The content itself cannot be edited the anyone in the sub-account.

Do users in your sub-account count against your provisioned licenses?

Customer and partner training does have some different licensing options, so the short answer is, yes, external learners do use Bridge licenses. 

We'd want to connect you to one of our account managers to discuss options if you want more information on additional or different licences.


Do people have to have a Bridge account to view the shareable link or does it make the course public?

When using the shareable link, the recipient does need to have a Bridge account or they will not be able to access the course.

What are your recommendations for remembering which courses have shareable links on?

We recommend using a “hidden” category to “folder” these courses. You would want to add each learning item that has the sharing link enabled to a category called something like “shared externally” or “shareable.” Do not assign the category to anyone (or assign it only to yourself or to an admin/author group). 

We have an article here on using categories for backend content management.

Additionally, we recommend having a running list of courses outside of Bridge for better content management (you can download a sample Excel file from us here). You can keep track of all the shareable links for easy retrieval. Plus, we recommend keeping a log of things like tags, categories, affiliated groups, etc. 

Will this link work for sub-accounts if the course is in the root

You would need to affiliate the course to the subaccount first and share the link from the course in the sub if you want the users of the sub to interact with it. Users will have to log in to access the material, so it needs to come from where the user lives. 

With the Learning Library, how do I get courses to appear in a different order than they appear now? Can I change the order of how the classes appear?

Using a naming convention is best practice for modifying the order of categories in the Learning Library. Either adding numerical values (1, 2, 3) or alphabetical values (A, B, C) in your category title in order to prioritize or highlight certain categories.

Categories will show in this order on My Learning page.

They will also show in this order in the Learning Library.

Can you customize category order other than alphabetical order?

At this time, you can only customize category order alphabetically (or numerically).

If a course is recommended and/or available in library, can the learner search only by tags? Or can they also search by categories?

Learners can search by tags in the Learning Library, but if the categories have been exposed to them, they will see them in the main interface and the content in their Learning Library will be organized within those categories.


Can you customize the registration fields?

The fields on the self-registration page should match the accompanying custom fields that you are leveraging for your users.

Does the self req page work for sub accounts?

Yes, the self-registration page will work for sub-accounts (and you can have multiple pages for multiple sub-accounts). Please note that it is an additional cost to integrate and a single self-reg page can only point to one single account.

Bridge Advanced Media (BAM)

Can you post videos from outside of Bridge Advanced Media to the Video Library?

Is the video library only for videos created within Bridge video?

Yes, you can upload existing or outside video to BAM, or record and create using the tool.

Can my customer success rep help set up a login-less container?

Yes! Please reach out to support@bridgeapp.com and request a public container (it helps if you have it created and provide the name).

How do I add the video library to my horizontal menu?

You can reach out to support@bridgeapp.com and tell them that you’d like to work with a technical consultant to get your BAM library added to the horizontal navigation of the Learning Library.

We advise reading through this article that highlights what to expect when leveraging this feature. All BAM will be exposed on that new landing page. You can give it a title of your choosing.

If I wanted a course to be publicly visible (no log in required), would I put it in the public container? 

You can put multiple media types into BAM, including SCORM (we have some good-to-know information documented here). You cannot put a Bridge-authored course into BAM. It’s also important to note that viewing a piece of content through BAM in a public portal is not going to register in Bridge as an enrollment or a completion. There will be no reporting on it through Bridge Analytics.

It’s also important to note that you would not want to put SCORM into BAM for any other reason than public view. If you need SCORM content to be viewed as coursework then you should always be putting that SCORM directly into Bridge.

If you want a piece of content to be consistently accessed freely with BAM as the host, putting it in the public container will make it visible to anyone with the link.

In order for people to see the public resources, do you share a link with them?

Yes, if you are wanting to use BAM for public view, you would share links from either the main landing page or the resources themselves to anyone you would like to see the resource. It will open up like any webpage.

Can we make the video library viewable to only learners with Bridge licences?

You do not need to make your BAM instance public (or a container public) if you want to put it into the Learning Library navigation. If you put your BAM content into the horizontal navigation, you will then expose it ONLY to learners who have Bridge licenses. You can do this in either (or both) a root account and sub-account. 

If you DO want to create a public container, it would be included with all other containers that are not available for public view (and can only be seen by your users with Bridge licenses).

You can learn more here about creating a media library with BAM in Bridge.


You mentioned a pick list. Is there a way to designate a selectable picklist?

You can download the sample CSV here. This would be something you could customize for your organization and then train and/or require your other Admins or any individual with user management access to use for user management to help with consistency and data cleanliness.

If we limit manager permissions, can managers still add courses I create to their programs/journeys?

When we limit manager permission, we limit managers’ ability to author and enroll. They are tied together. That said, leveraging roles & permissions options, you can also create a custom role to give a permission back to a group of users. 

Please reach out to support@bridgeapp.com and they can help you or point you to your Bridge Success Team member if you need to strategize a best solution for your goal.


Does Bridge integrate with Shopify?

We do! You can learn more about our Shopify integration here. Please note that it does come at a cost to integrate.

Do you have any documents or video training about using Salesforce to help with uploading users on Bridge?

If you want to use Salesforce as your source of truth to manage users in Bridge, you can have Salesforce transfer a flat file to an SFTP where it will be picked up by Bridge. That CSV file should include a list of active users in a cadence of your choosing (we recommend one time daily). It should not include any terminated users (the removal from the file will trigger removal from Bridge). You can read more about our auto CSV functionality here.

We do also have a technical team that offers custom integrations if you are looking for something more complex. 

You can get a hold of support@bridgeapp.com and ask for the Bridge Success Team to set up a review of your requirements.

Is there an ETA for being able to share dashboards?

We hear you, and we are currently pursuing this enhancement! We are hoping to have some more direction this year in regard to the capabilities of our reporting tool and the sharing of reports across users in a single account. Please make sure to come to our quarterly roadmap webinars and submit these sorts of requests to our feedback form for visibility to our product team.

If you have Bridge Perform enabled do your subaccounts only show Bridge Learn?

Using Bridge Perform in your root account does not translate to any sub-accounts that you create. Sub-account creation will default to access to our Learn suite. Sub-accounts can autonomously have our Perform suite, as well, but out of the box, sub-accounts have our Learn environment enabled. You can still affiliate content and do all the things with those sub-accounts as if you only had Learn turned on in the root.

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